The New Giant Deal Thread

I found the Raticate in 1st Edition from the JP 2004 Venusaur Random Construct Deck if anyone is interested. From searching for Jigglypuff & Wigglytuff in 1st edition from the Blastoise Deck, these seem to be hard to come by. Maybe one of you would be interested for your collection!

I’ve linked the Yahoo Japan Auction link below, these cards are also available for purchase through Buyee.


Seller just offered me a discount even, but I’m already making too making purchases this month. haha. Someone better grab it soon, and save me from myself!

this card just keeps declining, way too many on the market… my copy was posted in this thread a while back. will this card go sub 100? so many copiesssss

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I’m wondering… right now, the price of the comparable jirachi is about $130. This one is more popular, I’d say, based on cost and appearance, but easier to grade. Still, raw costs are just too high to justify buying a raw copy when you could buy the 9. There have been and is one on auction now, so that’ll be a decent tell. I’m thinking $100-120. IDK, like a few others that I have many of, I don’t mind holding one, or several. :wink:

edit: Wellllllll, it ended at 119, so seems consistent around 110-120. IDK if sub 100 is in it’s future. Jirachi was there for a few months, but has quickly met and exceeded this absol…

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Sequential 10s :slight_smile:



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Beautiful binder copy!

Guess Gamestop is getting a ton of Pokemon 151 product. Already discounting preorders. Only 5%, but still a discount. Maybe these will end up the same as Charizard UPC.


I really want to buy JP tho… :laughing:

Print to demand, I learned my lesson. I’ll admit I was way off on the zard upcs. These imo will do better because there is new product in it and not an assembly of old stuff but they know what sets need to be printed to the ground

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Please someone buy this before I do


Unironically think that Crimson Invasion boxes might be good now. Sorry pfm

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Sold :upside_down_face:


was wondering if someone buys random PSA 10’s and just reslab them with PSA , will the serial numbers change and become sequntial?


The serial number will not change if the card is reslabbed.

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3 posts were split to a new topic: Should I buy this shining set?

A bit of a weak copy, but solid price ($900 OBO).


Just used a nice 15% off coupon through @gottaketchumall 's eBay to buy a creator Treecko and it looks like it works on everything in there.


Few examples maxing out the $100 off (or close):


v hard card to grade. I know there are some clops fans in here


Pretty rare item on auction. No idea how price is determined for this kind of stuff, but just mentioning here for anyone that collects these kinds of things.

I think the sheets came in one piece folded and perforated. Looks like these sheets were separated, but looks to have the complete set