Pick your favourite official-but-non-existent TCG Card

So there we go! Last year, march 2021 edition of the Illustration japanese artbook had a feature that include some illustrations that were turned into fake Pokémon Cards, This is the exact book

Im pretty confident (and sad) that we are not going to see this illustrations ever printed as cards, but if you can choose only one to be a REAL, what would that be? (and why!). Here are the pictures:

  • Lotad by Ikegami Yoriyuki
  • Grookey by Amelicart
  • Delphox by Keiji Yano
  • Suicune by Gemi
  • Pikachu by Kihara Misaki
  • Gengar by Ayako Ishiguro
  • Chikorita by Yoko Kuno

0 voters

Have fun!


Lotad for sure, but the Grookey art is very unique. The derpiness of Grookey’s face is awesome

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I would be happy with any one of these becoming a card as long as it isn’t Pikachu. I find that one quite disturbing.


Close call for me between Gengar and Suicune but Gengar already has a ton of great cards. Suicune it is for me.

That Pikachu is just cursed…

Edit: I too forgot about that Chikorita and am changing my vote :laughing:

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Damn im stupid! I forgot to add Yoko Kuno’s Chikorita to the poll :sweat_smile:

Can any mod reset the poll and add her? :upside_down_face:


That Gengar is beautiful…now I’m sad these are never coming out.

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Even the admins can’t edit a poll 5 minutes after it’s made.

I restarted it so anyone who has voted will have to vote again


I was trying to reset the poll but I didnt have the option (or didnt see it!) Thank you :flushed: :see_no_evil:

if you find that Pikachu disturbing… then dont check Inoue Daisuke’s artwork :sweat_smile:


The Pikachu reminds me of this artist:


@Caith_Sith Beat me to it! :sunglasses:


yep! I thought he was the artist at first sight! and I have to admit that I love his style :sweat_smile:

If you cropped the Pikachu out of some of those it would look really nice

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I actually really like that Charizard but those Pikachus…man. I’m gonna have nightmares.

I hate that they did all the work of finding fantastic art and mocking up the text but never bother to actually release them

S tier bait


Tough call but had to go with Chikorita. Suicune a close second.

All of these are gorgeous…with the exception of the Pikachu…which may be more of an acquired taste. :sweat_smile:

It was between the Suicune and Gengar for me, but they are (almost) all fantastic and now make me question how many other incredible arts Pokemon has decided not to make over the years! Alas, all I can do is give Suicune my vote!

If the Suicune card was real, I’d buy a binder page full of em! It looks so nice!


Gengar but honorable mention to Chikorita.

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Lotad without question but the Delphox is gorgeous as well.

Suicune for sure…this face messes with me

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