What's your most Recent Purchase? [Archive]

Said I’d let my wallet rest, but saw the Kyogre gold star price last night and had to buy this from my local shop because they were asking for way too low. 429 and that was even after he checked online prices!



Some crusty commons from the flea market- none of them are in “PSA grade” shape, and heck, the back of Ekans looks like it went down a driveway, and Psyduck has a hard to see crease. But still happy to pick up some Jungle/Rocket/Neo/EX/DP era cards at the flea market, at 25c each.


Heavy ex power keepers pack. Pretty psyched as it’s both my first ex series pack and my 1st vintage opening!

I couldn’t agree more… These are the only Eeveelutions that I can actually stand, but like you stated… they DEFINITELY have to have the stamp on them!


Not a card, but I saw someone posted a DS a few days ago… and I’m very happy that I finally managed to track down this 2DS XL Pokeball edition. Funny story, I had glanced at this business store’s FB page a while back, I decided to call when they reopened and they told me they still had it in stock. I got caught up and never made the trip (kind of out of my way for Canadian city living standards lol – like a half hour away), so I called last week, and the clerk told me they had nothing in stock.

Fast forward the other day, I’m driving around there and decide to stop by… low and behold it was sitting pretty in one of their acrylic casings, jumped on it right away lol…

Also here are some random stuff I picked up on my weekly LGS runs, saw some WOW stuff collecting dust and after seeing some of the prices surge on eBay lately (that War of Ancients box recently sold for 850$ CAD, but I have no idea how accurate that can be because the deal flow seems extreeeemeeely tiny in the WOW space on eBay CA/USA… I think WOW’s market is heavily geared in Europe, so I probably missed the data).

Also… that “Eye of Judgement” WOTC booster box… was developed (in what I think was an extremely short print run) for the PS3 game of the same name. It was essentially the FIRST ever Augmented Reality game ever I think, way ahead of its time (2010) and you played the game on the PS3 with the eye camera. Apparently to achieve the full player experience, you had to buy these booster packs and then enter each card’s code in the game and the card would “come alive” and become playable in your deck? Or something like that… not too sure… but took a bet on it as the only one currently posted on eBay “claims” to be the SINGLE LAST SEALED WOTC EYE OF JUDGEMENT BOOSTER BOX ON THE PLANET!!!

^^ lol guess there’s 2 now? :grin:


:zap:TMB Zapdos Phone Card​:zap:

Got to add my 2nd TMB Phone Card to the collection today!

Looks so good alongside TMB Moltres and the “secret rare” of the TMB set, Grand Party!:heart_eyes:
Now awaits a long journey of searching (and saving up) for Articuno… :raised_hands:t2:


I’m jelly bro! Awesome job

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A gorgeous flawless Grand Party PSA 10
Was stuck at customs for a good 2 months, but hey, it’s finally at its forever home

Goal #1 complete :sunglasses:


Awesome historical card with peak Sugimori artwork. The Squirtle Squad approves!


Finally arrived in the mail after about a month. Just need the Gold Star to match!


Just got my first ever Base Set 1st ed. card in the mail today and couldn’t be happier!


Lightly played mcdonalds e minimum pikachu for my pikachu collection


A modest arrival today but oh so pretty!


@pichufan , Just pick up the package today. Thanks for these abra and kadabra :slightly_smiling_face:


@alakazamthat glad they teleported to you safely!


Some of my favorite additions from the past months:

I got very lucky with the Charizard because I originally missed the sale by a few minutes. Everything worked out in the end though. I’ve had my eyes on these 3 cards for a long time because they are in my personal top 10 cards of all time, so that’s a big step forward.


I want that War of the Ancients :heart_eyes: :ok_hand: :100: Nice Find

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By all means, it’s yours! Lol the one thing that is really peaking my curiosity if that Eye of Judgement booster box especially that the only guy on eBay who has one for sale claims that i may possibly be the “only” one left… I’m really curious if anyone ever thought about buying these and keeping sealed (they were relatively cheap when they came out and being a WOTC box, maybe there’s some collector’s who pick up a sealed copy of everything WOTC-produced)

Any update on how this worked out for you and if so any tips?