what are we all working towards atm!

Psa 10 first ed. holo set (3/16)

Psa 9/10 base holo set via cards only submitted by myself (5/16)

Complete Champion DCE set (3/4)

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Currently going for the vending and vs sets, I also need to organize my collection as itā€™s gotten a bit out of hand.


Iā€™m working on self control and stopping myself from emptying my bank account on everything I see.

Then my next goal is to get some Yu-Gi-Oh cards out of the way like the PSA 10 1st ed BEWD and Exodia set.

Other than that, I eventually want to own a set of '97 Pikachu trophies and an illustrator.

Once thatā€™s done, Iā€™ll probably have attained self control. I guess you could say thatā€™d be a roundabout way of achieving my goal, but then Iā€™d say lifeā€™s about the journey.

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Couple things on my to-do list:

  1. Working on upgrading 4 cards in my collection to PSA 9ā€™s
  2. Finishing WOTC Black Star promo binder set (about 40-50% done so far)
  3. Deciding if I hate my wallet enough to try to purchase a sealed Jungle booster box, prob going to have to save for a few months for that one
  4. Attempting to do a Base 1st Edition binder set for the non-holo rares, uncommons, + commons. Lowest priority
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Trying to get a slab of the highest existing grade 1st edition Blastoise in foreign languages. For some the population is 1-3 for the 10 so Iā€™ll probably settle for a 9.

Iā€™ve started and havenā€™t finished several setsā€¦

  • 3 PSA 10 Unlimited holos away from have complete Gym Heroes/Challenge holo sets

  • About 75% done my WOTC Black star promo binder set (last expensive one is the NY Poke Center)

-5 or so holos away from having complete 1st Ed Jungle/Fossil/Rocket binder sets

-50% done my PSA 9 Southern Islands Set

-90% my Japanese Gym Heroes/Challenge binder sets

-About halfway done upgrading my Base 2/Revelation sets from PSA 9ā€™s to PSA 10ā€™s

-Halfway done a complete PSA 9/10 Base Set

-Just started a Expedition Base binder set last week

My fiancee is thrilled lol