User names

I like to fly fish.


On a similar topic. Whats everyones password?


Mine is my nickname, plus boy. This is because when I was younger my account names were often friendy, and i used to get messages off guys trying to initiate flirty conversations thinking I was a female. So for clarity, I added boy :rofl::rofl:

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Duuude runescape! That game was a prominent chunk my life from 2004-2007. I still log into my account from time to time and check things out. I even played actively again in the last two years two separate times for like 6 month intervals. The game kinda sucks now…


Two things, one I suck and have thought your name was acerben the whole time I’ve been seeing your name on this forum haha not acebren. And 2, eoc did unfortunately most assuredly ruin Runescape… as did the grand exchange and all the crappy updates in 07. I play in legacy mode when I play now. And I also don’t use or endeavor in anything that wasn’t in the game in 2006 if I don’t have to. I play it as much as possible like it was in its prime. Sorry for getting off topic in this thread but I got real jazzed about seeing fellow runescape players!

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I haven’t touched my account in awhile either, however I can still get down to some Sea Shanty 2.

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Ho-oh is my favorite pokemon, and Crystal Ho-oh is my favorite card. :slightly_smiling_face:

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My name comes from a few parts: it’s a word play on wizards of the coast, the Mike j comes from my name Mike Jones, and it also fits cause I am literally of the coast. I live on the east coast of the United States, less then an hours drive to the physical coast!

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Ahh got ya. Kinda like when they dragged the bad seeds off the playground and put them in detention.

It’s my first name and my hobby! Nothing crazy here lol

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Just my name in English and I added the letter G, that it’s how all my friends started to call me years ago(12/13).

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My name came from my high school and early college days on It was at one time the place to go for online super smash brothers battles and ranked ladder matches. I was an author for smash articles and had fun writing a small mini series Tricks, Glitches and Combos. I simply used my first name and last initial “JoeR”

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When I originally opened my eBay Store in 2009, I could not for the life of me think of a cool name for my eBay Store! At the time, I had zero knowledge or interest in anything past the original Pokemon Sets (Base through Team Rocket) - those were the sets that I enjoyed / collected growing-up. I was in a rush and overly excited to create my own eBay Store, so I just decided upon something - thinking to myself I could change it later-on if I thought of something better. So, I quickly typed-in “Old Skool Pokemon”. I’ve since grown to LOVE that “impulse” decision and have just used that for everything Pokemon-Related (eBay, E4, and IG) since then.


I like to surf and snowboard. Surfing Pikachu is one of my favorite cards.

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Atlas is my sons name. I use CheCortez everywhere else. Back when I knew little but thought I knew a lot. Che for Che Guevara and Hernan Cortez for the Spain general that colonized (read wiped out) parts of South America. But my nickname always turns to Cc.

Like the Chips, if your from Aus.

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Completely made up and nonsense, haha. :grin:

I played OGame many years ago, which was some kind of space planet defender game, where you had to defend your own planets, build defenses, mine for resources, and conquer the defenses of other player’s planets to take them over as your own. I made up some pretty weird names at the time, and Quuador was the first one I came up with apart from the planet I started with.

EDIT: I actually found a doc from that time (2007-2008 apparently), and these were all my planet names: Triton; Quuador; Xypwageru; Quanatero; Flactero; Agopera; Ykadiboo; Ordimarica; Arkiabogg. Hahaha… I could actually see some of these as Pokémon names tbh. :wink: Anyway, Triton (or a derivative, since it was usually taken…) used to be my old username for games like Runescape, WoW, FlyFF, Rapelz, and such, but after OGame I began using Quuador more often, and it’s now how I’m known on most forums (and the only game I still play: Overwatch).



A misspelling of my favourite Portuguese soup ‘Caldo Verde’ which translates literally to green broth.

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My niece is having twins…boys:)


Plain and simple: just my own first name.

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That is a pretty epic name. Sounds like a powerful wizard in an RPG.