*Update 21July2015* PSA Returns, Japanese Gold Stars!

Yep, they’re really bland for shiny cards. I actually dislike the whole mirror reverse category, they’re so cheap looking.

It’s all about the business prospects! >_<

Excellent collection! The Crystals are definitely one of the more aesthetic looks out of the Pokemon Trading Card Game.

So true!! the japanese dpt shinys are so elegant. theyre not overdone which is nice considering most are of 1st stage pokemon. If you like nice holo effects, I’d definitely recomend some of the BW shining pokemon (and items!). The rare candy card is one of my favorite holos in the tcg

Funny story about the BW secret rares and the shining 1st stage pokemon. When I first got back into collecting and started buying BW booster packs, I pulled a SR Shiny Exeggecute, but had no knowledge about the secret rare cards and passed it over simply because it was Exeggecute. I felt like I got screwed on the pack, went on and opened my other boosters and my morale was boosted since they were Legendary Treasures packs and EX/FA rates are pretty high due to the Radiant Collection. Anyways, when I got home to look over the cards, I noticed it looked different and was like “wtf?” I had to look it up on Bulbapedia and after that, I felt 10 times better :stuck_out_tongue:.


haha yeah, more reasons to keep buying right! le sigh.

Thanks, I agree, they are definitely beautiful cards. When I first started collecting again, I used to think, “whats the big deal” about this or that. That sentiment went away real quick :stuck_out_tongue:

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I definitely wouldn’t mind if they did another Crystals set with different Pokemon. Granted, I would be heavily bias in hoping for a Gyarados Crystal. :stuck_out_tongue: I know some art that would do nicely.

I do have to say, though, that I really appreciate the Golem card of this series. It’s a Pokemon that doesn’t really get noticed much, but I find the art style of it as one of the best.

My favorite crystal card is Crobat hands down. just like Golem, it rarely gets any love, but it worked out so well as a crystal type card

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I agree, the art for Golem worked out real nice with the Crystal cards. I think the shades of browns and reds worked out nicely with the entire design of the card, especially with the Japanese version with the glossy layer and all that extra sparkle in it.

As far as another crystal set goes, since I also collect Mew and Mewtwo cards, I of course would want to see them as crystal types…but to be fair, Mew and Mewtwo get a lot of attention. I want to see the other starters get some love, maybe Blastoise. Also Dragonite, Rapidash and Gardevoir might make nice crystal type cards.

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The only crystal artwork I don’t like too much is Kingdra, but I love cards like Nidoking or Golem.
I’ve always tought that crystal were pretty lame gimmick cards, that wanted to follow the shining trend of odd energy cost, but in a new way. But anyway, they’re really aestetically appealing, so it’s ok.
I would have loved a Crystal Onix similar to the one that appeared in the anime, actually made of crystal. Now THAT would have been gorgeus.

Just got these beauties in a few days ago. Finally took some time to post them. Got them a pretty decent price too in my opinion. (compared to what I’ve seen them selling for on YJ).


Just a few things I got in the mail this past week! I bought most of it back in October, but just had it delivered recently. The sealed Shining Mew is probably my favorite since when I first started collecting again, I started by collecting Mew and Mewtwo cards and it has since been one of my main wants for my Mew card collection.


That 1st ed. Mysterious Mountains box is godlike addition, very nice.


DISCLAIMER: The following reply is heavily gif-ed due to incredible desire for one of this collector’s cards. Though this collection is awesome, this poster is terribly obsessed and should receive psychiatric help for the degree of “want” in this post.

The logical part of the brain apologizes for this absurdity.

That’s awesome! You have a no-rarity Chansey and a no-rarity Gyara…

But in all seriousness, I am quite jealous. But congrats on your awesome additions! Especially the box and Mew!

Always happy to see a fellow Mewtwo/Mew fan get a new addition.

Let me know if you ever want to give that Gyarados card away in case you get tired of looking at it. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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@azulryu HAHA! Thats pretty much how I am with Mew and Mewtwo cards. I love seeing how enthusiastic others are about their favorite pokemon. I had unfortunately traded the Gyarados recently. I’ll keep in mind for any future Gyarados cards, I’ll have to run by you before they get traded or sold

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ooo Maccy Packs! I have yet to add a few of this packet art to my collection will get around to it, much easier finding this one than the other two from the 2002 set.

So I found these at my local flea market this past weekend!

My pulls from the first Dragon Frontiers booster I opened :grin:

All of my pulls from the booster packs.

No shinings in the Neo 4 packs, but it was still awesome to open them since I’ve never opened a Neo 4 pack before. (I stopped buying Pokemon cards around the time the Neo 2 set was released in Japanese as a kid)

Our very own @avalanche1313 hooked me up with this little guy!

I had to pick myself up one of these! Although its not part of the PLAY promo set, I think it is a nice little companion piece for the gold star eeveelutions in the set.

Lastly, sealed Coro Coro Lottery promos!

I also picked up another sealed Vaporeon PLAY and Jolteon PLAY, Sealed Mew EX PLAY and a few other smaller things. I also have a box I’m waiting for from Japan with a bunch of goodies that I can’t wait to get my hands on as well. I’ll keep you all updated. :grin: :grin: :grin:


Crazy pull with that Mew Gold Star!! Great pickups, I can’t wait to see what’s next :blush:


Quite a few nice adds to your collection…Congratulations…

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Thanks! It definitely caught me off guard. It’s actually the fourth gold star I’ve pulled (Mewtwo, Suicune and Alakazam being the other three) and my reaction all four times is the same all time. Something so satisfying when you pull a gold star.

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any other sealed packs at your local flea market? i would love to purchase/trade for them if possible - i collect sealed packs. thanks!