“The trailer and poster for the documentary “MIYAZAKI: Spirit of Nature” directed by Leo Favier, which will be shown at the 81st Venice International Film Festival Classics section, have arrived. I hope it will be released in Japan someday!”
That’s amazing! Is it clay sculpture?oh yes I see it is.
I see Oddish, 2 Togepi, and Pika. Think that’s it?
It was a big canvas layered with the plastiline and hung on a wall like the other paintings. You can see that the whole face was filled with contemporary characters from TV and video games.
Other artists featured were Yayoi, Warhol, Picasso, Koons, Haring, Basquiat, Banksy, Damien Hirst, and even one digital art piece by Paris Hilton.
Correct, Egawa drew all of TPCi’s 2021 main set pack arts (Battle Styles, Chilling Reign, Evolving Skies, Fusion Strike)
Aoki is one of my favourites. There was a Heracross uncommon from a recent set by them that I kept hold of.
The Ariados is my favourite of those three but the Exeggcutor always looked unique with all that empty space.