SWSH 12.5 Crown Zenith / VSTAR Universe Discussion Thread

hmmmm do I spend $200 now for an off center copy of this card or wait a few weeks and get a clean copy for like 75% less…


That’s a no brainer question, the answer is obvious: buy now! It’s a secret rare, so it’s gonna be low supply - and it has pikachu on it, so there’s gonna be a lot of demand! The price is only going to go up from here, get in while you can!

ALSO, all modern is easy PSA 10, so make sure to submit it to PSA as soon as possible to maximize your gains!


:rofl: r/pokeinvesting in a nutshell


Sir, can I interest you in any


in 10 years it’ll be worth way more so you might as well buy now

We need some sort of tag for detecting sarcasm in comments, i cannot distinguish sarcasm or real anymore lol.


The Crown Zenith version of Pikachu almost looks like a counterfeit…

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Pulled two SAR in the same pack earlier — didn’t know that was a thing!

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really? that’s pretty wild. don’t know if i’ve heard of anyone else doing that aside from a god pack. although, i have heard of people pulling an SAR and a SR i think


Can’t normally be bothered to record my openings but this set is too good not to share:





Hah cheers!

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Not sure if anyone else is experiencing the same thing, but I have noticed that A LOT of these VSTAR Universe cards have centering issues.


I’m noticing more of texture shifts. The embodiments are not aligned in many of my vstar SARs.

Only opened 3 boxes myself so far including the one above, but yeah I’ve had centering issues (though not absurdly bad) on all of my full art rare pulls.

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In case anyone finds this useful, here is my rough price tracking of most of the notable VSTAR Universe singles across 1 month. Everything is down across the board, nothing surprising.

Suicune and Irida are ones to keep an eye on I think.


i’m guessing these are ebay prices bc you can definitely get them for far less on mercari (for example you can get most of the art rares for around $1 except for the 3x3).

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Yes this is from ebay. After shipping and fees are you really saving all that much on mercari though?

if you place a big enough order, yes. i buy lots of 30 or so ARs for $1 each and then sell them on ebay for the above mentioned prices :slight_smile:

Has anyone heard rumblings on Vstar next wave? My FOMO is like Pain & Panic from the old Hercules movie haha but I don’t want to go in at $77 per.

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