Mkpokecc's Collection!

That’s a shame about it being faded but I suppose you want to display it with that awesome case!
Oh it looks great, well done! :grin:

Honestly I’d rather have a trophycard in it’s original case. It looks amazing Mike :blush: now I need to get one!!!

Thanks guys! I’m not going to lie, I was a bit disappointed at first but it is all original so I guess the fading can be somewhat forgiven. All considered it is a bargain compared to what that German buyer shelled out for the No.2 from the same year.

What did they shell out if you don’t mind me asking? :stuck_out_tongue:

$6500 iirc

Sweet Jesus! Some people will go to crazy lengths I guess.

If a card such as your Pika with fading was sent to a grading company. How seriously they they take fading? Like could it still get a 9 if it’s slight faded but never a 10 and so forth.

I would imagine it would have a decent impact. I’m not worried as I’m not getting it graded…it shall remain in its case. On a side note the card is flawless other than the fading on the front…the back is fine as well. Over all I really don’t think it looks that bad :slight_smile:

Very nice additions to your collection. The No 1 Trainer is obviously a great card…I’ve always liked the Mt Fuji Pikachu and don’t think the 8 Japanese Lucky Stadiums get enough respect…

@mkpokecc – Holy @#$!?!! Congratulations, Mike :heart::heart: I see you finally obtained a complete [Lucky Stadium] Set. It was about time, slow poke! :wink:

There has been impressive purchasing activity with trophy cards, recently – and in short intervals! If this continues, I don’t think a trophy card will ever come my way again (laughs).

@unique: thank you!! Hahaha I finally got around to getinng those…took me long enough. A lot of great cards have changed hands and I certainly gave up a lot just to own that trophy pikachu.

Congratulations on getting the Pika trophy, and in its case none the less! :grin: Very impressive.

If you don’t mind my nosiness, how much did that one set you back? I’m curious since you said it was a bargain. ^^;

Lol reminds me of cracking my first Pika out of its CTA case. It’s rather frightening touching those things!

Ooh nice, that is a good price! :grin:

Also, I can imagine ._.

@cbd1235: haha yours would have been a lot harder as those case did not have nice screws on the back like mine did :stuck_out_tongue:

@skinst: All things considered I believe so :blush:

New addition! The one (Actually 10 :stuck_out_tongue:) and only 3rd place Japanese victory cup!

This one is from the most recent (2012) battle carnival which was held in japan. There were four locations with two age groups each (A and B). One tournament had an O division and an extra A division. With that said there are only 10 copies of the 2012 cards in existence.

The scan does not do a justice so I have also included a photo.

The card can be found under my sales thread. It was a lot nicer than I was expecting but I will be open to offers for a little while…if I don’t decide to sell you can bet it will be graded!

It looks incredible, usually I don’t like the newer cards as much but this is an exception! Well done.

Agreed. Depending on how much you want, I might be interested ;D
Probably not though since I don’t have that much money xD

@frostyfluxy: Agreed! It looks pretty sharp…much better than what I was expecting.

@tolan: I don’t really have a set price. More or less taking offers and if something strikes my fancy I may take them up on it. I will be honest…I was dead set on selling before it came in…I was not expecting it too look that nice!

Yeah, if I were you I’d hold onto it unless you got an amazing offer. I never thought it’d look that good, but with the holographic spanning the entire card is stunning.