Charizard 1st Edition - base set - PSA 9

Did anyone else think this auction would go higher?

Its the actual value of the card, around U$S6500+ is where it has been standing for quite a bit now, this one went over U$S7K. I was expecting U$S7K



It did end high. Why would you expect it to end even higher than 7.2?

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This one is advertised as a “pokeball holo” also. If you look at the holo pattern the circle lines up just right to look like a pokeball on the flames edge. Kinda cool I suppose. Could that have made the premium higher? Not too sure. Maybe for the niche collectors who have an itch for errors/lucky patterns like this. It makes it furthermore a talking piece than it already is!

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I bought this. I think I overpaid and it felt kind of bad at first, but I was specifically looking for a thick stamp with good centering. I will never sell it and I hope in 2 years it doesn’t matter whether I paid 6.8 or 7.2. The “pokeball holo” aspect is kind of cool and unique I guess, but it wasn’t the deciding factor. Maybe I will appreciate it more over time


Honestly, I think the pokeball makes this card even cooler.I would not be disappointed at all. :blush:

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I think you have your priorities straight and you’ll do fine :blush: congrats.


It’s unique. @taapesh enjoy it :blush:

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Congrats! - It looks great, I am looking for one myself.

There’s not many out there on eBay and the existing ones are all marked at around 9.5k or 10k BIN, which blows my mind!

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Why don’t you do a little experiment over the next year and truly find out how many are out there. My guess is that in the next 365 days we will see 60 individual listings that sell on Ebay or roughly one sold every week. Wanna give your guess now and check back in a year?

@taapesh, Nice card with a little extra flavor. Congrats.

Don’t feel bad, you got an amazing card. And thick stamps > thin stamps all day!

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Yeah do not feel bad at all, I think this was a great buy. It can be easy to have a buyers remorse moment at first but over time I’m sure you’ll look back and be very happy with it!

The cards I own which have grown the most in value are cards which I “overpaid” for at the time.

If I was looking for a Base Zard today, getting a thick stamp with good centering is exactly what I would want too (bad centering on the front of a WOTC card with its big yellow border is the most pronounced flaw IMO).

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Agree with this. The difference between wotc english and the eras afterwards when it comes to border size is crazy

You didn’t overpay imo. I sold my thick stamp for pretty much the same price

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This is true. For a long time, people argued that thick vs thin stamps were something most people didn’t care about and that therefore thick stamps wouldn’t command a premium.

This has changed over time. There are now a *lot* of 1st ed Base collectors who are specifically looking for thick stamps (as well as a handful for thin stamps). Even just reading the buy threads on E4 you see many people specifically requesting thick stamps. As a result, the price of thick stamps is starting to have an obvious premium compared to the thin stamps.

Thick stamps should sell for double. Thicks with 44xx should sell for triple. Thicks with 44xx and a blue dot should sell for quadruple. Thicks with 44xx, a blue dot, and a 1st Ed smeared stamp on back should hit 10 times. Don’t you think?

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But seriously, I do put thick stamps and thin stamps in a different category than the other stuff. It’s a tangible thing that puts all 1st ed Base holos into 1 of 2 distinct categories.

And before anyone says “it’s just a stamp, who cares?” Well, tell that to Shadowless cards.

What’s the matter King, your multi-million collection of Zards are all thin stamps? :wink:
But hyperbole aside, they are actually harder to find so why shouldn’t they command a slight premium :man_shrugging: