1st Edition Charizard BGS 10 going up for AUCTION Aug18?

Actually I paid 10.8. The same day someone messaged me and offered 13k. 4 days later someone offered 18k.

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The sale on this card in a way could either make or break the value of BGS 10 pokemon cards. If by some chance it sells under a PSA 10, which I highly doubt, it will change the view of many on the value of BGS 10 pokemon cards (pokemon only because I know this isn’t true for other card games/sports cards). This also works the other way around. If it sells over PSA 10 by a landslide It will increase the value I believe of all BGS 10 cards. Reason because 1st edition base set charizard is the staple card and rookie card of pokemon. It sets the tempo for all pokemon cards and their value. Deny it or not it doesn’t change the fact that it isn’t true. I honestly believe this card will reach at least 25k and will go beyond that in price if what everyone says is true. That BGS 10 > PSA 10.

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That thread is a great read from 7/8 years ago. They may be pointing to this thread ten years from now lol.

Jayar who commented on that threads said he was a collector of PSA 10 1st Ed base. That was no lie. I built him 5 complete PSA 10 holo sets. Four “thin” one “thick” lol.
Plus someone wrote I had a bunch of 1st Base sealed boxes. That was true too.
And finally, Scott hinted the 1st Ed base char in PSA 10 was a good investment. Bingo lol.

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I’m not going to sell either one so it doesn’t matter what the result does to the price.
We’ve already had a thread on this PWCC listing and I said then that I hope it goes high cause it’ll increase the value of my other one. Interesting.

A couple years ago I mentioned this strategy here: I’m going to take the lesser of these two cards and destroy it on YouTube. That way I’ll have a one of one again hihi.


Actually, what I might do, is put up both together in a listing. That would be a nice horse and pony show.

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I’ll throw my two cents at the price and say it’ll sell for $45000.

I laughed at the idea of destroying one haha. Imagine the views! Make your money back that way. :stuck_out_tongue:

NAH IM gonna shill it to 100k.

and ask smprattican to grab it for meh.

will see if you pay for it then

Look cullerbz… Im not going to say it again… BUt you have to understand… PSA have a much stronger smelling oderb, and BGS has a much more superior and better smelling one.

Observe the card below:


Im gonna have to send my little jewish banksterb in for some authenticating

Though I love psa, I do believe they smell sometimes.

BGS isn’t immune.

Dammm… I could destroy my current chances of buying my 1st house right now and dump my 10% deposit on the Charizard. Charizard or a house… easy choice to make, right? xD

My guess - $38,573

Bgs is most certainly Immune to human error. Thats err why this charizard is going to go for 600k.

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dude… CAn i loan that off you at 5% interest :nerd_face:

choose the zard… f*** the house. Pay rent for a little longer.

You act like you Won the Auction already lol. That’s good though, mentality of winning is always the right mind set to have. I was going to say to your previous comment that I wouldnt go with destroying an expensive card. If you hold the worlds population it doesnt make sense to destroy it since nobody else has one anyway. Maybe if you were looking to sell it would make sense to destroy one and potentially it could be worth it if you sold the other BGS 10 right after. If you were to destroy one of them and just keep the other as a collector and not sell, doing that is honestly kind of umm… not smart… I feel. Yes it would be POP 1. But who is to say that it will remain that way. Someone could be bold and try and crossover their PSA 10 and could strike gold. Making that population of 1 a pop 2 again. If pop 1 is what you want instead of destroying it I would just cross it over to PSA and make it a 10. Making your BGS 10 a POP 1. Youll lose out on some money most likely at the time since most likely the value of a BGS is greater than a PSA for this card but the value of your POP 1 card goes up and you still have a perfectly good PSA 10 1st edition Charizard. Personally if you win the auction it would make more sense to just keep the two as they are and sell both when you feel like selling them. Also you might benefit better by selling them separately. There are alot of collectors out there who would want one. If they lose out on the first sale they are more inclined to spend even more on the second sale. Especially when it could potentially be the last one to sell for years to come.

Wow…that’s quite a reply. Well thought out.

Ok, I won’t destroy it. I was mostly kidding anyway;) Having the only two in the world is pretty much the same as having a one of a kind.

I’m pretty sure I’ll win it. I’m willing to overpay more than anybody else I’m sure. Ofcourse that is unless pokesyn messes with the auction lol.


Im going to outbid you and then get you to loan me the monies for it :nerd_face:


This 1st edition stamp is real, right?


It’s going to be thug and interesting :grin:

I laughed so hard at this man! It would be a monopoly right here.

My guess: $93,000