WTB Psa 10 1st ed shining Charizard

Hi All.

I’m looking to purchase 1 number PSA 10 1 st edition shining charizard.

Having looked at recent auctions on ebay I’m looking to pay approximately £1550.00 say minus 10%? For monies normaly absorbed by ebay fees.

I’m UK based so please be happy to ship there.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any further quiries. I have also been told the pound dropped in value compared to other currencies allot this week.

Kind regards

For your own reference £1550.00 is like USD$1850 and the last sale I know of was by @jcincy101 this past week on eBay for USD$2500

Good luck on your search :blush:


Theres one on ebay now for $2300: www.ebay.com/itm/SHINING-CHARIZARD-HOLO-PSA-10-GEM-MT-1999-NEO-DESTINY-1st-EDITION-107/202723978280?hash=item2f334a6c28:g:0tEAAOSw1eFdG4kW.

FYI- I tried getting them to pull it and purchase it though paypal for $2k but they said that was too low… Not sure if they realize that its essentially the same as their asking price once you factor in ebay fees…

But it’s not the same, 10% ebay fees would be $230. For a price on PayPal of $2,070. Even if you offered him the $2,070 what incentive does he have to go that route besides just getting a deal done? He isn’t making anymore money, only you are getting a better deal. If you want to make an enticing offer tell him 5% off and he keeps 5% extra. That way both the seller and buyer come out ahead.


We’ll offer him 2200.00 privately then you both save.

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Don’t nickel and dime high value demand items


Many incentives exist on eBay as well. Top Rated sellers get 20% off FVF across the board and infrequent sellers occasionally get free sale listings or massively reduced sales.

I always find it funny when people ask me to move from the convenient format of eBay and send them all the savings (or more than I’d save) for doing them the favor. Bonus points if low declaration is requested on shipment to Italy.


Boy do I agree with this.
I’ll put it this way. For something I really want I’d rather pay Nick 2500 than pay some random person 2200. Of course I’d rather get Nick down to 2400 lol.

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I valued the card at $2k and that was all I was willing to spend, thats not nickel and diming.


My personal budget for the card was $2k. Not upset or surprised by any means that I was rejected, thats just the amount I could spend.

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This forum can get a little intense with price protecting sometimes. 2k isn’t a terrible offer by any means. The market just seems to be a little hot right at this exact moment which means for certain cards. It’s become a sellers market. At this exact point in time. You may need to try to save a little bit more money if you want to own that card, but you never know what things will look like in the winter when things usually level out and change to a bit more of a buyers market. Just stay watching for auctions and what not and be as ready as you can. No worries and good luck!


I think I’d be able to give you $100 Off considering all of the deals you’ve given me over the years :blush:

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While many of these comments may be true, they are from a sellers perspective.

you could be correct in all of your statements, but buyers do not think this way. And there are are far more buyers than sellers.

E4 is a skewed sample size with a much higher % of people in the business of Pokémon vs compared to the general public.

Why is this card so hot all of a sudden?

I’ve had at least three times as much interested in the last 3 months as I had in the two years preceding.

Did I miss a big YouTube video or something?


@funmonkey54, it could be from shiny Charizard GX coming out in Hidden Fates and reminding collectors of the original

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Card sold for $2075, so, at the end of the day my price was fair.


Could be something to do with ZandGEmporium’s video on the 7th Aug, where he sold his one for around $2400.

Wouldn’t explain the past 3 months, but could explain the recent surge.

I feel like there was a deleted comment or two on this thread… congrats to the OP!

Detective Pikachu bubble :sunglasses: