Which would you choose?

As I have mentioned before, I think you should take some time to reflect on what kind of collection you want. You’ve been a bit back-and-forth across many different threads, so I have a tough time understanding your collection goals and specific interests.

At the moment, it seems that you are trying to buy/trade rare cards for their value and flashiness, and will regularly consult e4 for praise/validation. Remember that this is your collection and your interests/opinions matter the most.

It worries me a bit to see you happily post about your “danger noodle” and how you are part of the “pearl gang,” only to see you flip flop toward a different direction a few months later. I was also concerned with your post about spending your partner’s money without their knowledge to buy Pokemon cards as an “investment.”

I mention these things not to shame you, but to bring attention to some of these odd behaviors that may be related to a larger problem that we are not aware of. To be completely clear, there is absolutely nothing wrong with consulting e4, seeking praise for big purchases, or changing your mind on the direction of your collection. I just want to make sure that these changes align with your long-term goals and aren’t fueled by social media or FOMO.

Anyway, good luck with your decision! :smiley: