My friend and I were talking Pokemon cards and he told me of a butterfree card from burning shadows that’s sort of a nod to the butterfree episode from the anime. Are there any others you know of?
Additionally, which cards reference other TV shows, bands, etc?
I actually do not know what a “nod” means, but if I am correct then these come to mind.
I Choose You! Movie Promos:
Pokémon Sun & Moon Ash’s Pikachu:
Ash’s Pikachu Lv. X
Edit: Fell asleep last night doing this post. I will add that aside from cards being a “nod” to the show there is also cards with artwork relevant to the Pokémon storyline itself.
For example:
The Red & Green Gift set is practically a walkthrough the first game.
From choosing your starter in Professor Oak’s lab to catching Mewtwo.
I’m sure there’s a lot more that I’m missing but these are the ones that come to mind.
I made an article about the whole Skyridge set and the artworks in that set referring to Pokémon 2000 TheMovie -guess that’s the kinda thing you are searching for