What would you value a BGS 9.5 Venusaur

I have a BGS 9.5 1st ed shadowless venusaur. I’m trying to determine the value before I make a trade with a collector. Any ideas as for value would be helpful.

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PSA 9 value at best even if the other sub grades are 10. Because that’s what PSA would likely grade it—a 9.

I think the subgrade almost automatically crosses a PSA 9 if graded accurately to their true standards. So the card is probs gonna be between PSA 9 and 10 market price. Off the top of my head I don’t remember what those sell for, but I usually approximate BGS 9.5 as 75% the price of a PSA 10. Most of the time they’re just glorified PSA 9’s ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Sorry, let me do this right. “Venusaur 1st ed shadowless holo, BGS 9.5, PSA 10??” Then expects to get PSA 10 price, or at worst 75% of a value of a 10 since its “between a 9 and a 10.” I understand you are doing a trade for a high quality card and in the long run you probably can’t go wrong, but the BGS 9.5 is usually a sucker sale for buyers. It’s a PSA 9. Trade at that price.


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50-60% the price of a psa 10 is usually a safe place to start. Really depends what the card actually looks like and the pop of the card in psa 9 and 10. For most high end cards that I’ve seen they absolutely do not sell at the same price as a psa 9. Some people believe that they should based on a 9 subgrade (which has been discussed here before), but they almost always earn a premium over a psa 9.


lol who hurt you?


Essentially this. If you can get a PSA9 for 2950 BIN, maybe a little less with a cheeky offer or taking someone off of ebay, then you can probably get a few hundred bucks more for the .5 premium.

Would you guys consider a BGS 9.5 Quad+ (all 9.5 & 10 on corners) a PSA 10 or still lesser?

:thinking: Not sure what you mean. I was referring to the many listings I see for BGS 9.5s that won’t grade a PSA 10 (which is why those sellers keep them in BGS cases), and their PSA 10 or 9++ asking prices those silly little rabbits try to get for them. Didn’t want OP to consider trading along that logic I’ve seen get thrown out there. Do I…sound hurt? Hmm, sorry, didn’t intend that. Thanks for checking on me though.

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I’d pay:

PSA 10: 5k
BGS 9.5 quad: 4k
BGS 9.5 quad+: 6k

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With those subgrades…yes I’m paying the premium. Have a feeling I’m in the minority for not paying a premium if the surface or corners are a 9, though.

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Interesting - You’d pay more for a 9.5 Quad+ then a PSA 10?


Could it be a PSA 10 if you crossed it to PSA? Sure, it’s possible. I’d even say it’s more likely than not to earn a PSA 10 but it really depends what the card looks like and how strict your grader is. I’d still expect the card to earn a tiny bit less than a PSA 10 when sold but it wouldn’t surprise me if someone paid psa 10 price for it. We’ve seen in Gary’s charizard video how a BGS 10 is nearly impossible to obtain when trying to cross from a PSA 10 so I could absolutely see a quad ++ going for the same price or more than a PSA 10 and a quad + earning close to PSA 10 numbers (slightly less imo). I think more people are coming around to bgs 9.5s, especially high end ones, as PSA 10s become harder to find for certain cards.

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Telling a member they should undervalue their card because you think a 9.5 and a 9 are the same thing is silly. Hell, you even alluded to a BGS 9.5 being inferior to a PSA9, stating it should receive a PSA9 pricepoint “at best”.

But the multiple, fairly passive aggressive comments shitting on bgs 9.5 is what I was referring to.

Glad you’re ok. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

That I “undervalued their card” implies you believe my opinion is wrong. That’s fine. I believe a BGS 9 on the corner or surface is a PSA 9 for buying/trading purposes whether I’m buying or selling/trading. I crack them and PSA them. “Silly” me, they usually come back 9s–“at best.” So, equal–not inferior, and certainly not “more” or higher priced/valued. Nothing passive aggressive at all about my explicit, overt statements and reply to OP’s question to the community, except to make fun of those “BGS 9.5/PSA 10???” listings I see. And yes, I think they are damn funny. Sorry for hurting your BGS feelers there, Captain LOL. Didn’t realize it was your thread!

No BGS 9.5 is selling at the same price as a PSA 9. Example: base set Charizard BGS 9.5 goes for double what a PSA 9 does Talk about BGS feelers while you’re sucking on PSA’s ween.

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For anyone who thinks PSA 9 and BGS 9.5 are the same price:

1st edition Dark Charizard 4/82 (holo):

Is this card a $2000 PSA 9?

If you answered no, then you are agreeing PSA 9 and BGS 9.5 are different values.

Because I have offers greater than $2000 on my BGS 9.5 :blush:

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Subgrades are everything with the 9.5 grade, there is no universal rule that all 9.5s are better/more valuable than a PSA 9.

It all comes down to those 4 grades. If any one is a 9, at best it’s valued at PSA 9 pricing. If all 4 are 9.5 or higher, that’s a different story.

Then how did this BGS 9.5 1st Edition Dark Charizard with a 9 sub-grade go for this price when PSA 9’s are about $1000 or less?

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