What webpages/apps do you use?

What webpages or apps do you guys use to find set lists of both english and japanese sets? I want to find a source where i can find a regularly updates list of all released and soon to be released sets with the correct pictures of the cards. Trying to use Bulbapedie, but their pictures are totally wrong in some cases.

The reason I ask is because I wish to see complete lists so that I can pick out the arworks/cards I like, to make myself a chasecards-list :blush:


The reason bulbapedia shows the ‘wrong’ cards sometimes is because they seem to differentiate the cards by their stats, not their artwork. e.g. CD promo Venusaur and Base Venusaur are the ‘same’ card to bulbapedia, so they share the same page. However under ‘release information’ you can find the different artworks most of the time.

AFAIK for Japanese exclusive cards there isn’t a thorough picture source aside from bulbapedia. For English releases I use pkmncards.com.


I personally use Bulbapedia for general information about English and Japanese cards, which I also use when I create my single Pokémon lists. Their information is the most accurate, and although they’re missing some English/Japanese cards or variations I personally care about (i.e. 1st edition stamp differences; EX era codes; Teach/Tryout sets; etc.) their information is very abundant and useful.

I use Serebii when I just want to quickly browse through the pictures of a certain set. At the bottom-left (after scrolling down a lot), you can see the sections English Sets; English Promos; Japanese Sets; Japanese Promos. Clicking on either of those four links gives a list of the category, and you can go to an individual set that displays the names and just the artworks. Clicking on an artwork allows you to see the actual card.

I use Pokebeach (Pokeguardian is a great source as well) for all the latest news about upcoming sets and releases, both in English and Japanese. This allows me to keep track of upcoming releases for my collection goals (i.e. Pikachu, Seviper, or Full Art Supporters cards) ahead of time.

And I of course use this Efour forum as a great source of information as well. :slightly_smiling_face:



www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://cardmavin.com/category/pokemon&ved=2ahUKEwiI7uPB2ujrAhUGCKwKHZJTByAQtwIwAHoECAYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1I4qeMwywrWH7jwrEu1G3b CardMavin works well. Also links you to ebay sold listings and for sale listings.

Just for English, pkmncards.com is the best image database hands down. Great searching options, high quality pics, up to date.


I use pokellector. It’s great for getting an overview over your collection, what cards you have and what cards you don’t have. They even have japanese sets.


For the sake of completeness, pokellector is pretty good but also lacks sets and promos pre-VS series on the Japanese side, like Vending for example.

Pokellection Is the best for japanese cards :heart_eyes: