What does everyone focus on when collecting if anything?

What I mean is do you focus on one group of cards when collecting? Like for a certain Pokémon, era or rarity? I personally just collect/buy whatever cards I like, but I definitively focus on Charizards and ex cards a lot. I’d love to hear what other people focus in on, let me know! :grin:


I focus on my binder, I jump binders from time to time. Hence my binder collection is never complete :blush:


At the moment I don’t push towards one single goal. I have many smaller sections in my collection that I’m adding parts to when I find a good deal. However “good” (=cheap) deals are scarce these days, so I tend to get more sidetracked lately with smaller cards <10$ when I feel the need to buy something :grin:


I have pages in my binder that serve as collection goals, for example: favourite species, FA trainers, specific artists or other arbitrary personal choices.

I also have a list of 10 or so prize cards I’m slowly making my way through :blush:


I am all over the map with my collection. Started off with Black Star Promos and random PSA cards. Then I moved onto certain different sets/card goals. I try to stick to my collection goals as much as I can, but if I see something new and shiny it is hard to resist sometimes :dizzy_face: . Nowadays I try to balance cards that I buy for binders/submitting to get graded because I like them both for different reasons! And then I always love to buy vintage Japanese Pokémon figures. I think they make for great display pieces!


I’m all over the place as well.

No real goal, too many awesome cards out there lol

It’s so easy to get side tracked in this particular hobby.


Honestly no kidding!

Mostly just completing WOTC sets, but I do have some sections of random cards I just like, modern or Japanese.



I have a few lists I’m trying to complete, but honestly if I see great art, I buy it. I have a problem.


Checks out

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Completely agree

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Same. great art = purchase.

My reasoning is… if I like it… many others do too = value… So I can enjoy it and sell it for a profit if need be.

For example I recently purchased Charizard 276/XY-P. Amazing artwork.

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Every Gyarados printed till legendary collection, and all Magikarps printed (and luckily they include trophy cards)


If its not a specific pokemon, I focus on completing master sets.

Do you collect a specific Pokemon?


I collect the 1st edition holo’s or better from every set and every era. There’s a few things I skipped along the way. Here’s a link to my collection thread. Check out the videos. Some pictures are blurry on my imgur link but you could check those out as well. Good luck on everyone’s collection goals! :blush:


Checked out your thread, amazing man! Good luck continuing your collection too and thanks! :grin:

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On a slightly more serious note. I am continuously reminded why I need to stay focused on my main goals. It’s nice to buy something inexpensive here and there but I have to be realistic of what I can and cannot afford. I have an English/Japanese Volcarona collection and I started seeing how easy it would be to get it in every language. But using that money would mean missing out on my main wants if they showed up.