What are your unpopular opinions in pokemon?

Unpopular opinion checks out.


Pratte ISNT a grifter


Is it mainstream to think he is one?


I had to google what a grifter even meant. :melting_face:


These were one of my favorites for sure. A uniuqe view on pokemon.
Trainer using his Centiskorch as a treadmill never stops cracking me up. Giant UFO-Orbeetle is just awesome.


It’s one of those words that started gaining traction over the last few years and now all of a sudden everyone uses it to describe someone they don’t like.


‘Pack Battles’ are dumb as hell


Tera type full arts are cool, especially in Obsidian Flames/Ruler of Black Flame


Vintage collectors are becoming fewer and fewer, and principles that have held true for a long time are being replaced by popularity. Vintage collectors are left confused


Please tell that to all of the most valuable cards in the hobby. :blush:


Vintage collectors aren’t confused, we/they know exactly how the effects of popularity play out. We just understand that popularity is fleeting whereas fundamentals are fixed. Popularity may create greater short term opportunities but with that comes greater volatility and risk. Rarity, age and condition aren’t negotiable. These are pretty simple concepts to grasp really, I don’t understand why there’s such an “us vs. them” attitude among modern-exclusive collectors (read: stonkers). Well, I do, but that makes for a saltier conversation :sweat_smile:




Certainly an unpopular opinion! I’m not sure how you assume the " the principle that has held true for so long are being replaced with popularity" . Popularity can always be a short term driver for price. And this is nothing new… Reality says long term value is held outside that . A smart person uses popularity to sell high to leverage the long term value of “older rare minter better” :slightly_smiling_face:


Yeah, I don’t understand it either. Why can’t we just get along and collect what we like? :melting_face:


Please let this be the consensus for at least the next year, so i can slowly complete my base 1st edition without the stonkers getting in my way.


I hope not, but I think it could be possible that the market will change in the long term. money no longer cares about nostalgia/principles. The attention span is low, the temptation to make money is higher, and if enough people believe in it you may be right, but the market is deciding different.
The pool of buyers is changing, and so is demand.
Prices are out of proportion as the average collector looks forward to another 2020 with easy to get products and ignore the truth
Tldr: i see a low but still a Likelihood because we have Humans involved and 9 out of 10 is more impact than the 1 out of 10 that act properly


I partly agree. Remember tho, the general population is not the movers and shakers. so the majority of humans who make choices poorly, are not the guiding force in the serious market. Keyboard warriors can say what they like, but armchair experts never outperform the professionals. (Though who knows, maybe the internet will change this, and cause the collapse of civilization. After all, armchair experts CANNOT do what professionals can.)

As people want to make money though, they realize that more volatile things are not as smart. emotion and short attention span create volatility, which should dissuade SERIOUS investors. No?


It might be true, but since you are talking about money. With literally every other investment it works the other way around. You dont want to buy the things that are popular at the time. Looking and finding opportunities in something nobody is interested is key. That is also completely against human nature, hence why there are not many succesful investors.


Here is an unpopular opinion that related to my main interest in pokemon card (art) besides investimento:

  1. Even as a kid I found charizard cards too goofy and funny looking. He looked too hunchbacked to me and acted like he wanted to vomit a bunch of cat fur haha (i tried to draw what i mean here). I joined card collecting only when art moved to cool looking artwork.

  2. Gengar is my favorite pokemon but one of the first cards of him is 3D and his teeth look like literal tubes (the 3d artist just spawned a few identical cylinders and made teeth of them). It bothered me so much - I remember disliking early 3D and always preferred cool 2D sprites in games. Thankfully gengar quickly got a bunch of cool cards.


I don’t technically “hate” these cards. At this point these are cult classic and literal first attempt at pokemon TCG. but yeah some of that is funny


I want these drawings on cards Yu Nagaba style.