What are your unpopular opinions in pokemon?

Agreed, except for Shining Kabutops. I think the concept for that art is the only one that makes sense.

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Full points for responding to the prompt.
:unamused: :laughing:

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in light of the news about the summer “151” set:

if it is just a reprint or in general just reuses a bunch of the art from base - jungle, the set will be a huge disappointment.


Since my takes are all surface of the sun hot, I’d say that would be a brick. Well, no it probably won’t be, but the art is gonna be crap.

Growlithe? Arcanine? Dugtrio? Gengar? There are just leagues of Sugimori copy and paste.

Time to move on. Kadabra not getting a card for 20 years or whatever just to get that shite Base art again? No thanks.

I wouldn’t mind them doing a textured promo pack of holo reprints though. (Like the 3 in Celebrations, just not them again.) Just not actual set cards.


ALL Neo Shining Cards> Gold Stars :neutral_face:


Straight to Wela Volcano.


I can get onboard, Gold Stars just don’t do it for me


My man!

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I genuinely do not understand the distaste for gold stars.

@kpod @jawsh98 Please clarify.

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I like the idea of gold stars, but Fukuda’s style just does not do it for me. I normally do not really like Ken Sugimori’s style either, but his shinings are better than both his normal works and the gold stars to me.

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A buddy of mine who also collects hates Morii’s art with a passion. I love them but I’d be curious what the overall % of collectors think.

I also don’t think the clay style would work for the gold stars. Goldstar art for me feels intense or like I’m catching the pokemon in the middle of some action. Morii’s to me is cuter and more relaxed.


Morii can be pretty polarizing. I know people who are in the same boat and don’t like the style at all.


I’m not sure if you’re referring to Base Set Dugtrio and Fossil Gengar, but if you are, those cards were both illustrated by Kinebuchi; not Sugimori.


I agree with your friend. Morii and Ito are just a shade above Topps tier to me. Not entirely opposed to the medium though, some of the Adachi cards look really nice, especially Delta Quagsire. And the Morii’s from Neo Discovery are almost palatable.


“just a shade above Topps tier”

This might be the first opinion I’ve read where my jaw actually dropped.


I respect Morii’s art and her clay models have brought something whimsical to the TCG for decades now.

With that said, while it’s nice to see her artwork on non-holo cards pop up in a set, it often makes me think “really, this art was deserving of a holo slot?”

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I used to not like her cards as a kid. But as I got back into collecting I appreciated how distinct they are from everything else. When you look at a Yuka Morii card you don’t have to second guess who the artist is and I appreciate the commitment to the style. The exact same could be said about Komiya for me.


I mean I appreciate her art and craft, don’t get me wrong. It’s just not my thing. A little too cute and quaint to be gold stars haha.

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I despise topps too. Just does nothing for me, they always felt like leftover cards/pointless to me. No offense to topps collectors, I’m glad some people find joy in it


I strongly dislike claymation. It freaked me out as a child and I never grew to like it as an adult. Pokemon cards that showcase clay models are my least favorite.

That said, I have great appreciation for the skill and time that it takes to create a lifelike clay model in a natural surrounding. Morii is clearly excellent at her craft.