What are your favorite Trainer/Arena/Support cards?

We all have our favorite Pokémon and our favorite artists, but I rarely see the question asked about support cards in particular. Trophy and contest cards obviously have a dedicated following and aren’t really what I’m talking about here. I want to know what your favorite non-Pokémon cards are!

I think my favorite spread in a set has to be the ones from Team Rocket, which all communicate the mayhem of criminal enterprise in a really cool way. Here’s a sampling below. The ones drawn by Ken Sugimori are classic, but my favorites here are all the ones drawn by Sumiyoshi Kizuki (and one by Himeno).

Also I think a lot of people’s OG favorites back in the WotC era had to be the gym leader holos from Gym Heroes and Gym Challenge. I probably don’t even need to post these. But Sabrina and Giovanni are my favorites of that batch.

I think there’s a lot to choose from and I don’t want to overload the OP. What are your favorites?


I love trainers!
Here’s some of my favorites


I love Roseanne’s Research, I’m so glad it was the first one posted, lol.


Elesa FA when?



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I’m mostly a WOTC-era collector but I really, really like some of the Sun & Moon cards. Regarding trainer cards, I think they have one of the best ones I’ve seen that really tickles my nostalgia and highlights one of the best Pokémon trainers ever:


I have some heavy nostalgia around trainer cards from the mid 2000’s. Here are some of my favorites:


Nice thread idea, looove those Kizuki Rocket trainers.

All Night Party is one of my faves for sure!


All Night Party was another one I had in mind. Terrific card.

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I’m surprised these never got an English release


I really wanted that Red with the bulbasaur, but I only collect English cards :’(

In b4 someone posts scroll. :blush:


Another great thread idea! Lots of great cards here, especially some of the Sabrina trainers.@dragon1te,@stagecoach,

Going to have to go with Lt. Surge’s Treaty in Japanese for my choice:

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This is great art and not usually the sort of relationship we see depicted between trainers and Pokémon. Plenty of cards with trainers and Pokémon hugging or striking action poses but this is the only one I can think of that depicts something so stately.

(The context does beg the question, with tongue in cheek of course: was Lt. Surge at war with the Electabuzz?)

Without a doubt this Fieldworker from Legend Maker for me (As you can probably tell by my avatar). Sugimori really captured something with this whole scene from Mew to the Fieldworker herself.


I didn’t provide much context as to why I selected this card, but you absolutely nailed it @stagecoach,

I was going to add this to the list untill saw you already had!

One of four mew Trainer Cameo I believe?
Other beings the Championship Arena, Orb and Seeker

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This VS Seeker still has a soft spot in my heart from when I played competitively a few years back. Even with the SR VS Seeker printed, it was still considered the max rarity one

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My fav support cards are the ones that feature suggesting lolis