What are your 2022 Pokemon collecting goals?

Great thread idea! Some realistic collecting goals that I have for 2022:

  1. Complete my binder vending set - left < 5 cards which I have been procrastinating
  2. Complete my binder VS set
  3. Pick up more baby shinies
  4. Pick up 5 rainbow GX to complete my Gen 7 mini-collection goals
  5. Pick up 3 EX to complete my Gen 5/6 mini-collection goals
  6. Pick up Celebrations promos like Delta Species Mimikyu etc
  7. Just slowly picking up other cards for my various binder collections

Wow crazy to look back at that, at that time I had no idea how far I’d possibly come. I also had no idea about distributor promos because they’re not even EX era lol.

Well 2021 I achieved all of the above, crazily according to my spreadsheet I almost finished my goals up to 2026(!!). I actually managed to be currently 2 cards away from pre-Sun & Moon master set completion.

This year, I might as well aim higher given this year, but I’ll aim for:

Pre-Sun & Moon master set completion, which I need:

  • Worlds 2004 Staff
  • Evolutions Double Colorless energy International (Europe) Staff

Then I’ll also aim for:

  • Sun & Moon master set completion - 451 to go
  • Sworld & Shield 90% master set completion (including the sets that will be released)

Side quests:

  • Fossil 2000 rares - 9 to go
  • Trainer Deck A & B
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I’m not telling any of you what my goals are until they are completed so that I can collect in relative peace :angry:


Finish both Fossil & Jungle PSA 10 1st Edition Holo sets. I think I only need Lapras, Gengar, & Snorlax. If you have these, let me know :wink:

Acquire more English sealed Southern island binders… I have an addiction. I do not plan to work on controlling my addiction, haha.


I’d like to start to consolidate my collection. I have about 300 slabs right now but a ton are lower end <$100, and I’d like to get a few higher value items instead.

A few PSA 10 pieces I’d like to get in 2022:
Team Skull Pikachu 013/SM-P
Crystal Nidoking 150/147
Skyridge Starmie H28
Steelix FA from Steam Siege
Lugia & Mewtwo JPN Game Boy Promos

I’ve also been slacking pretty heavily on picking up FA trainers from the newest sets. I’ll probably focus on grabbing a lot of those raw to add to my grading pile; I just haven’t been as motivated with PSA effectively being closed at their current price points.
I’d also like to get even more into graded/sealed video games. Have been keeping an eye out for a few nostalgic pieces but prices across the board are pretty prohibitive


Continue to work on my patience as a collector. I’ve done well over the course of the last year, but there have been times where I have not been able to manage impulses. Would also like to engage more frequently on E4, as I have enjoyed my time here and it is nice to be a part of this community after collecting independently for such a long time.

Trying to keep focused on my Neo Destiny First Ed PSA 9 Holos, which is going to continue to be a test of my patience, so I am happy for the upcoming year! Also excited to continue picking up Shinings as they become available at a reasonable price.

Good luck friends!


I really hope I can get a PSA 10 Fossil Excavation from Vending Series 1. It is the last card I need to complete my PSA 10 Vending Series set.

  1. In person signed Umbreon Japanese McDonalds promo by Mr. Arita (it will happen, damn you COVID!)
  2. Binder set of Japanese Heartgold & Soulsilver
  3. Continue to fill up my sowsow and sui binders as they bring out new illustrations
  4. PSA 10 complete set of each regular tag team card from team up through cosmic eclipse
  5. An original illustration by Arita as he auctions them off

As a stretch goal I’ll add VMAX climax binder set with reverse, really enjoying that set so far so might as well go all the way.


My goal is just to pay up for the rare items when they’re available.

Regret is painful, bid now.


I have finally saved up enough money to pursue a PSA 8 first edition base zard. It took about 8+ months of resisting so many steals I came across and working a lot of extra hours. But, it will all pay off in 2022 once I buy the card (unless it happens before the New Year!)

Once that’s complete I will go back to buying PSA 10 ex’s and finishing up the first edition base non-holos. No clue where I will be at by the end of the year, but one card at a time! Looking forward to getting back into my routine of buying cards every couple weeks as opposed to once every few months.


This year i will get more in depth with Japanese. I’m a bit dissapointed with english releases and how they split their sets compared to Japanese counterparts.

Not to mention the promos, in which Japan obviously has a big advantage.

Start really chipping away at the psa 9-10 gengar collection. I really hope I can get the chance to get a psa 9 masaki gengar.

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Fav Gengar art?

not tellin


Just to not die and not go broke and make more than I own. Keep refining my collection as I have done effectively with music to much success ala as less is more logic in that mind or grindset. Imagine owning millions of cards you don’t feel too happy about, holding that place in your living space on lockdown.

When people say they’re looking forward to the new year, I don’t, they’re fast forwarding time. I can wait for it and enjoy using the days before it to the best of needs.

Network more, draw more, after some Yugioh grind.

Ma-i-a hi

Ma-i-a hu

Ma-i-a ho

Ma-i-a ha-ha


either the masaki or sabrina’s gengar. Probably pretty common answers but those two are really cool. I also like Morty’s gengar as a card just because its more niche

I would like to complete the Wotc Promo set. It’s certainly not impossible, but there are quite a few expensive ones on there. Additionally, there are many promotional cards that aren’t technically black star promos, but are still things I’d want to collect from that era. Another goal is to have a complete holographic base unlimited set. Minus the starters, I don’t think it should be too difficult :blush:

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curious to see my results next year so i figured i would also add to this.

easy goals:
finish my complete 1st ed team rocket psa 10 set (currently 75/83)
finish my complete GX and better burning shadows set (currently …)
obtain a booster box of each S&S set (missing rebel clash, darkness ablaze, and base)

medium goals:
obtain a sealed booster box of each B&W set (currently have 4 unique sets)
obtain a sealed booster box of each S&M set (currently have 3 unique sets)
collect all swablu cards (holo and non holo) in a psa 9 or better (currently have 2)

unlikely huge goals:
obtain a WOTC team rocket box (preferably 1st ed but unl is acceptable)
obtain a second full set of 1st ed team rocket holos in psa 10 (have 3 doubles currently)
ruby and sapphire complete holo and ex set in psa 9 or better

outrageous never gonna happen goal:
1st ed psa 9 or 10 team rocket dragonite no holo error.


Get an Arita signature and well-done sketch (that he doesn’t rush too fast - I’ve seen some sketches that look a little sloppy). Or 2, if there’s time during his signing. Assuming he shows up due to the ongoing Covid situation. And does sketches. And maybe ask him to do a commission.

That’s basically it. I never intended to drop big money or be in the game for too long. I rediscovered Pokemon in 2018, then re-rediscovered it in 2020, and realized that Arita is probably the biggest reason that I loved the cards as a kid. I collected around 20ish cards this year, plus some other merch, and am towards the end of my journey now. It’s been really fun.

Happy to completed one of my 2021 goal.

  • Master set of Kadabra in Psa 10 (English side)

My goal for 2022

  • Master set of Kadabra in Psa 10 (one left)
  • Master set of Abra in Psa 10 (either English or Japanese)
  • Master set of unlimited Awakening of Psychic King Alakazam in Psa 10
  • Alakazam Gold Star Psa 10 (English)
  • Masaki Alakazam Psa 10