What are your 2022 Pokemon collecting goals?

Happy to see this thread! I didn’t remember commenting on the one last year but I guess I did with this:

Dec 14, 2020 23:00:47 GMT -5 trainerjack said:
To keep buying what I like and connecting with other collectors :grin:

I didn’t go too in depth I suppose since I was still fairly new to e4, but I am happy to say that I did what I set out to do and plan to do more going forward!

I want to go more in depth this year though. I am hopefully graduating college in the next few weeks and as such I will be entering the workforce soon after so with that in mind I’m very much looking forward to having a stable income that I can spend responsibly on cardboard! Here are some of my goals:

-Finish collecting all of the Dragon Frontiers exs in PSA 9(Currently I am at 8/10 with only Dragonite and Gardevoir missing)

-Fill out my Pokedex Binder through at least a gen or 2. This is a big binder that I have a card for all Pokémon and their corresponding forms in. I usually put in cards that are my favorite for the species or are just special for me. I am pretty casual about filling it out, and have most gens 3/4th completed, so it would be nice to have a couple gens done!

For bigger purchases of single cards I would like to get:

-PLAY Promo Mew 007 in PSA 9/10 grade depending on pricing at the time.
-Charizard EX Dragon National Championship Stamp in PSA 9

I don’t usually like to set deadlines on things for myself and since I don’t exactly know what my income will be I’m unsure of the feasibility of these goals, but I’ll be happy to try and see how I did next year :grin: