what are we all working towards atm!

At the start of 2019 I had none of the English Expedition Pichus in PSA 10, but now I only need the regular holofoil card in that grade:

Really happy to have finally acquired both the E3 Promo and Sample set cards as I’ve been on the lookout for these for a long time now.
(I’m ignoring both the matchprint card and the hole-punched kiosk demo card as PSA don’t grade these)

The Sample card’s date is blue here because I’m not 100% sure when it was used - does anyone have an exact date?

Sadly the only holofoil PSA 10 cards available right now are priced at 3-4x the highest they’ve ever sold by… and have remained unsold for several months. All 4 sellers rejected my offer of $130 even though $130 is $6 more than the last copy sold for.

