Watching YouTube Box Openings???

I love seeing people open 1st edition wotc product :blush: It just means there’s less out there


Looking at primetimepokemon’s channel now compared to 10 years ago, you can see the ups and downs of a product opening channel.

I used to open product back in '09-'11. I think I hit about 3000 subs back then which seemed ridiculous to me. Many of my viewers were kids with a handful of others similar to my age at the time getting back into collecting from watching a couple of my videos.

At that time there were a number of other channels opening up product with a similarly sized audience. However the biggest difference to today was the amount of older product that was being opened since WOTC boxes and older japanese boxes were cheaper to obtain compared to today. I thought the box opening format had died out since many of the other youtubers I knew of either closed their channels or just stopped uploading like I had, most of the channels who kept on going mainly opened the newest product and lost a lot of viewership. I find the only thing interesting to watch is older product being opened.

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Some of the comments are so cancer though. “why aren’t you screaming and yelling!?” “you’re so boring!?” “Why aren’t you doing the trick!?” They’re so used to youtubers like Unlistedleaf, they actually think it’s normal to open packs like that and have those reactions.


The “pokecollection” channel always comes to mind when I think of the 2009-2011 era of Pokemon card opening. He always had fresh WOTC product ready to bust open, loved watching him in middle school. He’s an all around good guy too, none of that clickbait cringe, very down to earth. His channel reminds me of how disappointing it can be to be a YouTuber that really tries and puts in genuine effort to make good content but doesn’t get the reward in views. He was big back in the day but didn’t transition well because he doesn’t scream and shout over GX cards, shame.


This. :ok_hand: 100% agree. God forbid if one of today’s poketubers got a wotc box ! The reactions would just be ridiculous

I think you answered your own question right here.

For a lot of people, opening all of these products is as interesting and exciting as those products would be to you.

You’ve dulled your high. You’ve opened tons of stuff that’s crazy over your lifetime. But for young people, or poor people, they have time to watch it and not resources to obtain it. So the high is that strong for them still. They’ve not yet been dulled down.

That’s also why it isn’t a sustainable way to run a channel. You have to constantly draw in new people to keep them interested as your viewers naturally burn out on them over time.

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Kevin has the volume, but the large first-to-market channel on booster boxes has been The Pokemon Evolutionaries for a while. They’ve managed to open judge prerelease boxes before the releases for every set for as long as I can remember taking note of it.

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good way to get a sense of pull rates for new sets


Yeah. That’s why I said it.
Not sure it applies to this but I also considered that those who love to play football, also love watching others play on tv.

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I think that’s a super fair analogy.

I enjoy watching booster box openings, I think it’s nice to see what other people manage to pull. But it also depends who opens the box - Deriums for example opens so many boxes that it really takes away from the fun of watch people open product imo. And I don’t like to watch certain types of people opening them if you know what I mean. Openings are nice when the person opening them is clearly interested in the hobby and being genuine. And of course openings of older product is always the most interesting thing to watch, anything before BW era is interesting as it’s been a long time since I’ve personally opened those products.

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I agree with Gary, maybe i am too old as well; almost 30… but i don’t have any fascination in watching people open boxes, or watching people stream their video games on twitch or youtube etc… I want to play the games myself, i want to open the boxes myself, so i work hard to make it happen.

The only nice thing i can see positively is to maybe see new cards like Scott said, or maybe something rare like the 1st edition boxes / or for documentation what is inside certain breaks, that would be interesting for some. But all this ‘like’ my page for 1000 subs and i will break a rare neo genesis box, for the 200-1000 people who watch, sucks. They are using the boxes like marketing tools, and driving price up, which i guess is inevitable anyways. haha

it doesn’t float my boat, all i’m saying. But it’s beneficial to the majority of the younger community, as it helps create awareness of products and Pokemon, but i don’t like seeing it used purely as a marketing tool.

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Three things that ruin box opening videos:

  1. The card ‘trick’
  2. Imitating Unlisted or Leonhart
  3. Slowrollin’ (most times caused due the trick)

I cannot stand someone taking 30min to crack a box and doing the card shuffle-trick to make the rare at the end. I cannot stand overhyping a fucking foil rare or some dumbass Eevee card (swy fanbois).

Just rip the box a part like a normal person would do! I am ok with you taking extra time to sleeve up cards, or when it’s older product taking it slower. But taking 30min to crack a box of Crimson Invasion, please leave the hobby.

Best opening channel:
Although it’s MtG. His pace is right on the ball, he does the card trick but with 30yr old cards I really don’t care and he knows the value of the cards he handles.

But the card trick is fun :hushed:

Whenever I buy packs, I always let my wife open some and we do the card trick together. Builds the suspense and it’s fun to see who got the better pull, although I keep it all. :smirk:

Don’t you watch the openings to see the high value cards? Seeing a Caterpie for the 4th time because it’s the first card on the print sheet isn’t really helping. Deriums have proven you can crack a full box on camera including sleeving UR’s in 10min. Seeing people needing 10min to open 3 packs is just nervewrecking.

I love watching Wizards era box openings since those are the sets I grew up with and never had the chance to buy a box myself as a teenager. It just interests me to see people’s pulls and how the rates would go etc. That “what could be in this pack!?” feeling each time they open the next one. Also, it’s just nostalgia.

I usually have box openings on in the background while I do other things, but sometimes I like watching the slow roll. Gives me time to take in the art of the cards we typically don’t care about. I just realized this year that Psyduck is starting at its reflection in the Fossil artwork. I’ve had this card since it came out, but never spent any real time looking it over.

Eh, I kinda disagree with this. If I’m dropping $90 bucks on a booster box then I want to take my time and enjoy all of the artwork. Once or twice I just cracked open every pack and only looked at the rare and it wasn’t a very fun experience.

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