Thoughts on the Pokemon First Movie remake

I’m sure many of you have had the chance to watch the remake on Netflix by now.

I just watched in and thought it was an absolute waste of my saturday evening.

They had the opportunity to create something unique, but instead they chose to remake an old classic. Nothing changed except the animation style, which wasn’t even good.

What did you think of it? Was it a missed opportunity or do you think it delivered what it was supposed to?

Let me know your thoughts.


I really liked the animated pokemon. I thought that was really cool to see them in 3D.
I was a bit perturbed by the faces of the original cast, though after a while you /sort of/ get used to it?

Had to watch due to nostalgia, but I prefer the original.

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Watching it now. Will report back shortly with thoughts/comments.


I don’t know, and I don’t care.

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As always, I prefer the original. The art style and voice acting is hard to digest.


I prefer the original, but hope the remake appeals to the current generation.


Netflix says it’s number six in most top ten viewing today’s. If it increases popularity in the hobby, I’m all in. Though I prefer the original movie personally.

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A little hard to watch for me. I enjoy the original a lot, but I stopped watching the show once the voices changed, and the whole thing felt off to me. Hopefully others enjoyed it more though.


So, i finished it up not too long ago and overall id say it was tolerable. I wouldnt say it was bad per say, but more so just geared towards those currently just experiencing getting into Pokemon or those in it already that have never seen the first movie which makes sense. Moreover, its just one of those things I cant really knock personally because I feel its not mine to make that judgement on due to those same reason reasons. While it didnt hit as hard as the first one did, and always will for that matter, thats was only my take which subjectively is fine but doesnt do the idea of the movie any justice which is what its really all about. So, all and all, while the animation I didnt care for and while it was a bit different from what I (and many of us) are used to, I just hope it is enjoyable to that other demographic of today because thats what really will always keep Pokemon alive and fresh.

Now (for old time sake) im watching the original, just to have those feel good moments hit again :blush:

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You guys are just a bunch of old fuddy duddys.


ok boomer.


I loved the original so much, and I still really enjoyed the remake. There were a couple of spots that felt off to me, but overall it was a REALLY well done remake. The textures on Ash’s clothes, for example, were incredible.

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I liked it. I watched with Japanese audio. Which is definitely the way to go. Worth it just to hear Meowth voice.

I couldn’t stand the choice of music they used for key scenes. So lackluster ad emotionless compared to the original. The music in the original was absolutely beautiful and powerful

What remake? :^)

Geared more to a younger demographic and was cool to see it on Netflix! However at times it looked dubbed and the animation a bit stiff, the new animation style definitely watered down the original personality of the story very much like a 5Ban artwork compared to the classic Arita or Sugimori flavour.


I prefer the original but that didn’t stop me from loving and enjoying the remake!!

I enjoyed the animation style. I watched it with my wife and her only complaint was Brock and his love of women/never opening his eyes and she laughed every time it showed Gyarados because he always has his mouth open.

I had no complaints really!!

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loved it. the level of detail was incredible. didnt get a free card this time arounds so its a 0/10 from me haha.

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I wished they took this opportunity to include the Japanese intro Mewtwo’s Origin. Oh Amber, the plot that got away.

I did love the film though, a great way to modernise it and get a new audience into the franchise. Small improvements like the harbour Lapras boat made a lot more sense. New moves like energy ball and leaf storm are used which is cool. Little things like Team Rocket now know the difference between an Alakazam and a Scyther! lol

I can understand as growing up with the original I was looking for faults with what I didn’t like then came to terms with of course it’s different, it 20 years later. A few minutes in and the animation I found myself getting used to.

One criticism, bring back Giovanni’s bright orange suit!

Only thing I learned is that we are all living things.

Music was either terrible or missing most of the time. Dub was translated terribly, lots of awkward dialogue as referenced above. No dope song while the clones and originals fought. Human characters are stiff and awkward. This seemed more like a student project than a professional work.

All that said, my 3 year old couldn’t take her eyes off it, so I guess it did its job. I did show her the original movie the next day and she enjoyed it a bit more, kept asking to watch it the next day over the updated version.

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