T17 Holo bleed

All this talk of T17 recently got me looking at mine and i noticed a couple of things. Firstly there is some sort of holo bleed/scratch error, fairly similar to the pinsir error (just under the neo gen logo). Secondly there is a black ink dot near water weakness, similar to the red dot error. Just curious as to whether these are one off’s or if they are known errors. Any help appreciated.

The black heart shaped dot under weakness is equally common as the variant with red dot on the left side of set symbol. First time for me seeing those 3 black lines under set symbol, don’t think they’ll bring any extra monetary wise but at least your Typhlosion has awesome war painting.


that’s interesting to know thanks for the info. they actually aren’t black lines is just the holo foil coming though, as you can see in the second picture they disappear at different angles. Certainly wouldn’t expect it to add value, was just curious if there were more out there