So my store picked up a bunch of old Pokémon tcg stuff

They’ve already auctioned off a skyridge box before

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This isn’t a 100% completed guide and I’m still working on it but I’m sure any questions could be answered here. There’s only one specific type of pack that, from what we know based upon many box openings, guarantees shadowless cards. Those would be the long seal shadowless packs.


Thank you Sir.

No problem :wink::+1:

Do we have video evidence of someone opening a clear wrap green wing box and it not being shadowless?

Edit: assuming you’re referring to your box (single country): There is none that I’m aware of, only data proving that there is… but its not impossible that it has happened. There isn’t a tremendous amount of hard data because there are so few of these boxes floating around and fewer that have been opened and documented. As far as I know every green wing, clear wrap, single country box has shadowless cards. I can also tell you that if it has the long seal packs inside it’d be worth the most possible amount of any “green wing” box variant :blush:

So should I peek inside or not?

Do it. Then gimmie all the packs :heart_eyes:

You can always peek inside but you can never unpeek :slightly_frowning_face:

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If the tabs are already broken (assume they are as 99.9% of them are) go ahead and peek. If not don’t peak. Make sure you ship with something on top of it to prevent the tabs from getting opened accidentally.

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Personally as a collector, I would love to verify for myself and the community at large that I have in my possession true shadowless cards. Also, if you get the opening on video of a successful opening of shadowless cards, you could definitely get 10k views on Youtube easy, since these videos are so rare. I would turn the box opening into a special event at your shop, so at least you’ll get some marketing out of it. Also, YOLO.

Most buyers will want to know and don’t view it as a difference in condition. It is fairly easy to break the tabs on the tongue anyway.

It’s entirely up to you considering it could easily be a $10-15k box. Knowing whats inside will expand the pool of potential buyers whereas having a “perfect” box might attract a few higher end pickier collectors.

We peeked



Looks like shadowless pack artwork, you’re 50% there. Can you see the pack seals? Look toward the top inside the box and you should be able to tell whether they are long seals or short seal shadowless packs.

Edit: I updated the thread to better describe what I’m referring to.


Open the box and sell every pack for $500. 36 packs equals $18,000. Might take longer to sell but get more money me thinks.

Those are indeed long seal booster packs. Whoever the store owner is is going to be very happy. Tell them I said congratulations! :blush: Fantastic find.


well thank you for all your help, now I’m just concerned about the price…

In this current market, and the confirmation of Shadowless, I wouldn’t sell that for a penny less than 10k.

There are currently none on ebay that are confirmed shadowless, and who knows, the right buyer may even pay double or triple that.