Skin in Progress

Put up some new banners. What do you guys think?

Any suggestions/things you would like to see?

The magikarp banner is incredible! It is exactly as I imagined it! Thank you sooooo much.

Wow Sammy you really worked your magic on the Magikarp, that is a fantastic banner. Holo and everything! Great work :blush:

All three of the banners look absolutely first-rate, great work.

Loving the new site, I must stand up and applaud you. :grin:

Aw, you guys are too nice. :stuck_out_tongue: I really appreciate your praise. :blush: Makes me love doing this even more!

Well, I think it’s pretty good. Any objections before I install it?

I think it looks awesome! I can wait to see it up and running here! The only suggestion I have is if we can get promo cards in the banner other than the trophies. Don’t get me wrong they are awesome but some of the more “common” ones would be nice. For example: Old Fan clubs, masaki, Bilingual executor, natta wakes etc. They are bright, color and have amazing artwork :blush: Layout and graphic wise it is perfect!! ;D

Sure! Just gotta give me some scans! :wink:

I can give some scans again, I’m sure Mike could too :blush: Just say which cards!

Some Masaki and Natta Wake cards would be cool. I’d love to put Gengar and Birthday Pikachu up there!

I’ll send you a Gengar scan, anything else? I don’t have any Birthday Pikachus, Mike might be able to better help with that. He also has a fantastic scanner.

Edit: ps. I don’t think the SSB in the banner really gels. Anyone else agree? I could see that one go in favour of a nicer promo. Maybe a Natta Wake Psyduck? :blush: haha

Yeah i can help out as well! Just let me know what promos you need

Completely up for Psyduck! :wink:

@mike: Whichever ones you think are brightly colored and fun. I really like the Natta Wake Promos, but I’m up for anything colorful. :blush:

I’ll throw in Natta Wake Psyduck, Masaki Gengar, Lilypad Mew, and Toyota/CD Arcanine.

You can just decide which ones will look good :blush: and again anyone can suggest cards.

Added some new banners. :blush: I’m going to work on installing the skin within today and tomorrow!

Looks like a million bucks, really glad we added more promos in there! :blush:

Thanks again,

The Gengar banner is incredible as well!
I love them all, but Magikarp and Gengar are probably my favorites thus far.

This looks really cool! I also like how there’s like a bunch of sections in the left of each persons post.

Out of curiosity, does clicking the “Like” or “Dislike” button affect our Facebook account in any sort of way? I ask this cause the signs looks so similar.

I liked a couple posts above, can you guys see that? What happens if a couple people like a post?

I liked the last three posts as well. We’ll see how it works when multiple like it. :blush:

Has anyone tried the “dislike” yet? …well if not feel free to dislike this one! …will this negatively affect me?

Not sure if this has been mentioned or not, but the only part of the navigation bar beneath the banner that appears with the new design is the messages tab. Is this a problem that I can fix by doing something on my end?
