Salt Lake City Regionals: Mitsuhiro Arita [Updated 3/13]

Once the details come out, I think I should be able to go and do a proxy if people want signatures. Thanks for the info on this!


definitely interested if someone is willing to do proxy for this

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Does anyone else live in the SLC area? Iā€™m in Utah county and am planning on attending.

Also, am I right in assuming that you canā€™t purchase tickets/entry fees yet? Iā€™ve been looking but canā€™t find any info yet. If there is info, can someone point me in the right direction.
Lastly, if grad school isnā€™t an interference, Iā€™d be more than willing to volunteer in some way and help out with the event. Not sure how that works, but if someone on here is in charge, feel free to send me a message.


Yes please! I would absolutely take you up on that offer! Aritaā€™s art is the whole reason why my collection got started! Fingers crossed heā€™s willing to do Gyarados drawings. :stuck_out_tongue:


I would love to get one, but alas, adoption expenses prevent me lol at least heā€™s frequently available so Iā€™ll try another year!

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Of course, I am hoping it is aligned right! Arita owes signatures in my collection :wink:. I live pretty close to SLC but not as close as Gary O.O


Count me in!!!


@teamrocketop, If my buddy canā€™t make it then I would love to use any kind of service too. I would be more than appreciative!

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Just sell to those who have your name :wink:. Btw, unless they have consistent statistical values on the cards (like most collectibles), the value can go as high as the buyer wants to go. Collectibles will always have this typical annoying response. I think the value is also based on the card itself, like mostly everything in Pokemon, certain Pokemon (hint hint Charizard) in general will hold a higher resell value. Arita is the ā€œgodfatherā€ of Pokemon (contradicting to Gary haha), which his may hold a higher value than other artists. On the contrary, someone like Fakuda doesnā€™t sign as often, so his stuff may sell higher. Honest answer: nobody truly knows.

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@teamrocketop,I totally agree with that and itā€™s not like I plan to sell what I sign anyway, but part of what I love is having something with value. I always refer to my collection as my ā€œholys*** moneyā€ because if things ever really go sideways then I know I have something that can save my ass, haha. I hope it never truly comes to that (knock on wood).

My current issue is I have a great zard for signing, but I was originally going to send it for grading next week, so now I guess I have decide if I want to send it or hold it. I do have a nice minty pikachu that Iā€™m going to hold onto for this as well. I would be so excited to get a couple autographs.

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Dang, thatā€™s only a 5 hour drive from meā€¦but my babyā€™s due date is March 30th. Something tells me mamma ainā€™t gonna let take the little guy. I would def be interested in some kind of signature service.

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This is the best news all day!!
I live in Provo Utah and was planning on attending regionals this year.

Time to stock up on ALL my favorite Arita cards.

Letā€™s goooo!!!

For those who are no familiar with Utah, there a tons of things to do.

Park City, trip to see the arches in Moab, jazz games, Temple square (Mormon history), etcā€¦


Congrats on the impending arrival:)


Thanks Gary!

Yeah my buddy did that with his sports collection. He made $80,000 when he was in a bind and was able to live off that for a year.

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Thatā€™s a nice 30 minute drive for me so I will be there. This should be fun.


This is exciting news, I am local and would love to get a couple of my Arita cards signed! Just not sure which onesā€¦


Any recent news on the event planning? Just curious as to when to expect to see more info, as Im going to do my damnedest to fly out as a little birthday treat for myself and would like to make all the arrangements as soon as I can!

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Not yet! I was intending on this week, but I havenā€™t received more info yet. Iā€™ll post here as soon as I know!


Awesome! I cant wait and thanks for the info here!