Question about cleaning full art holos?

Is it ok to use the Q-tip with water method to clean the front of full art cards such as Luigi Pikachu? I have seen cleaning methods for regular holographic cards but not for full arts.


If you test it on Luigi Pikachu lmk how it goes!

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I hate that this has to be said, but if someone tells you to use sandpaper, they’re making a joke.


Lol, thanks for the head up. Of course, the sandpaper would just scratch up the ink on the surface and damage the card. Has there been an incident where someone actually used sandpaper?

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That’s gotta hurt.

If there is no visible dirt or grime I wouldnt mess with cleaning something that doesnt need to be cleaned. No matter the seal or whatever is on them at the end of the day these are cardboard cards and liquid will do more harm then good.

However, if there is some grime or dirt on the surface a clean damp cloth or qtip will help to remove that but no fingernail scraping or abrasive material or chemical should be used. If you are worried about a fingerprint then dont be, they will not be going to give you a psa 5 for some fingerprints lol

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True, you want to minimize handling the raw card/avoid cleaning when unnecessary. Unfortunately, sometimes I’ll notice some debris inside the sleeve that is stuck on the card. So, simply blowing on the card or using a dry Qtip won’t suffice. Thanks for the response!

Practice on a bulk card, make sure you keep the water away from the edges where it can get absorbed

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