Question about base set Charizard ink stain

I bought this base set Charizard a while back, and noticed this orange ink stain on the holo. I have looked everywhere and cannot find any other card like this. Have you guys ever seen this? Or do you guys know what it is?

It’s likely a printer hickey if the holo finish does not come through. But it is so minor that I can’t imagine a company would classify it as having an error.

From a collectibility standpoint, it is also too minor of an imperfection to be worth a premium.

This Chansey is an extreme example of when additional white ink is accidentally printed on the holo surface of the card. It can range from a minor covering where the holo pattern is still visible to a completely opaque covering (i.e., a ‘mirror holo’) where the holo pattern is no longer visible (see below with the Lapras). I hope that this helps!

Minor Covering of White Ink

Completely Opaque Covering of White Ink


Yes. Thank You for the info.

What @Dyl said lol

And welcome!