PWCC Vault


53,000 cards total listed so far. Will be cool to see how many are pokemon once the search servers come back on

Search seems to break if you press return, but it works if you just type. Not ideal of course, but I guess for now it does the trick.

I’ve only ever had a good experience buying from and selling through PWCC so I’m very happy to see they’re back up and running. I’m really looking forward to seeing their new auction pages.

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Hey was this solved? I’m at the same point, waited almost 4 weeks now and keeps getting the same 20-25 business days. Kinda nervous at this point

No progress yet but I was going to DM @petiparty the details if it hasn’t shown tomorrow as per his suggestion. Maybe he will be kind enough to help you out if you message him :blush:

DM me!

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Im getting low ball offers left and right so we are definitely up and running it seems like lol


Well, at least it shows that people are looking! Do you put an auto decline on them? Or just let them fire offers away?

Anyone have any experience with PWCC damaging their items? I sent some PSA cards and one got a huge scratch and other smaller scratches across the case which definitely were not there when I sent… I emailed a few days ago about it and no reply yet. Just wondering if anyone had experienced anything similar

I’ll occasionally put auto decline on but normally I’ll let people shoot their shot. I could be feeling kind that day, but I’m also usually priced to sell for most things.

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How did this happen?

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I couldn’t get it to open. Lol. What is it?

Really hoping they have watchlists set up before the October block

Was thinking the same thing. No feature to save or track items right now makes it cumbersome

Anyone see a way to see solds?

I thought the premium was for more expensive than 25000, more of the pokemon stuff this month does not go for 25 right?

Guess things change when they don’t get enough items

I welcome it, otherwise we just gonna see only Charizards

Good chance to get deals on the low value premier items because of the $1000 minimum increments and BP on top of that

For example, say the Discovery Umbreon has a market value of $7.25k (which I value it at)

The bids for this item can ONLY be

So if you get in with a fast max bid of $5000 (meaning the $1000 BP is added in), the only way someone will beat you is if they OVERPAY FMV for the card and be forced to pay $7800

So you either get the card for a $1.25k discount, OR someone overpays $600


I’m not selling anything high end like this but it feels like I have a higher chance of losing out as a seller with this system


Who the f*** came up with that method of bid increments? Talk about shafting the seller