PSA suspending most services as of Mar 30 2021

great for other grading companies, but also great for PSA imho it’s the right thing to do at this point. Catch up, re-open, adjust from there


This. People seem to forget you don’t actually payPSA until they ship your cards. The PSA machine is working at 100% capacity. Them shutting off submissions has little to no effect on their ability to generate consistent/growing revenue. The bottleneck is how fast they can work, not how much work they have.


sometimes those of us in tech “scaling” for granted.

“Throw some more AWS servers at it!” just doesn’t work when you need to hire/train staff, have more physical space, do more physical jobs to scale.


This is a really sensible move. It’s going to be really interesting to see how much pressure this shifts on to other grading companies and what (if any) effect it’ll have on the market.


I think this is a really good idea by PSA. This is also a prime example of why you should never over extend yourself.


While I think it’s fair to question whether this is the wisest business move for PSA, from a customer perspective this does give me more confidence in them that they are prioritizing fulfilling orders in a timely fashion and not just blindly accepting hundreds of thousands of cards.


Have they ever had to do this before or is this a first?

Wow. Everyone here is taking this super calmly and discussing it maturely like adults. I was expecting something more like this:


If they were getting 500,000 submissions in a week… over 12 weeks they got 6M cards… does this mean they got somewhere in the realm of 6 MILLION cards in 3 days?

About time! Seriously. Definitely the right decision.

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If that total is true for 3 days, then that shit is bananas B A N A N A S


They dont get paid til the cards are graded, i guess they figure its time to get paid, ie grading


Time to get all the cards I’d like to submit ready for when they open back up.

I think something needed to give. The demand for cards and grading is completely beyond ravenous right now. I am going to concentrate on building and refining my collection for another year or so.


This is great and while I’m a bit irked I didn’t get another submission in recently, I am happy for what this (hopefully) means for all of our cards awaiting grading.

it’s very, very possible they got a few million cards in those three days. If you follow sports card middle men those guys often do 25,000-100,000 per submission and sometimes a couple times per week. They dwarf this hobby and the margins are probably smaller on most cards so the price increase would have hurt.

This is also going to avalanche CGC. Their bulk TATs is already wrecked and it’s gonna be really, really bad now lol


It’s good for now but what happens when service levels start becoming available again, won’t submissions spike again?

This feels like putting a bandaid on a leaking dam.

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No, I agree it’s a great move, I’m just saying it’s unexpected to me they’d do something that makes sense since literally turning off the supply is the exact opposite of what you strive for. I’m encouraged for what this should do for their brand. But it’s always about the relationships within the collecting and business communities that drive these decisions. Nothing else.

This is a good point. If they couldn’t keep up with the pace of cards coming in (which they obviously couldn’t), then the cost of storing and keeping track of all the cards must have gone up, probably quite a bit.

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They must have got all my Battle Styles c/uc/r bulk in just in time :ninja: #st0nks