PSA Accepting Orders

PSA is now accepting Economy and higher level orders:


Death to the bulk service!


Hopefully this is the slow return to normalcy for PSA! (Definitely wishful thinking, but this is good none the less!)

Hopefully new subs slow down and they can catch up on the million+ back order and find a new solution the issues moving forward.

better than nothing I guess. I can only imagine the massive submissions they will get after the shut down and sellers wanting to restock their inventory.

This makes me happy, I have 2 large bulk orders with many cards that have doubled or tripled in price since I sent them.

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They arent doing bulk order rn

Here is hoping i get a email in the upcoming weeks

Whatever certs are coming out now are the truest 10s


Great, never graded a card

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Anyone know what it costs to do like 3-5 cards after everything? I have a mint or close Stormfront Charizard on the way I want to get graded. Also do you pay extra to grade any charizard or are the cheaper ones normal rates? Sorry first submission

5 cards at the economy level would be $100+shipping, which would likely be around $14. So you’re looking at $114-$120 to submit the five cards.

Thank you and would it be extra if I did 1st ed shining Charizard. Stormfront Charizard. And maybe a few other zards

You have to pay insurance too, at least for the return shipping. I did a four card Economy sub recently for cards in the 300-500 range. After shipping (both ways) and insurance it worked out to about $30 per card.

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Oh I misunderstood then, I thought they weren’t accepting new bulk orders but since I have had mine there for 3 months already they would be working on those.

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I’ve been patiently waiting to send this off… Are they fixing errors right now?

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nah, youre right. They will work on existing bulk orders, not ACCEPTING new ones.

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Out of curiosity does this mean they will accept Ludkins orders @funmonkey54 ?

Wondering if that is considered bulk or not since it’s through you guys.

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Critical aspects of PSA’s grading infrastructure are operating at less than 20% of the workforce.

I think a lot of people are taking this to mean way more than it is.


I will take 20% over nothing, also with no new bulk orders I am hoping I can get my subs back sometime this summer yet.