PSA Accepting Orders

I just think it’s funny that PSA literally says, outright, we aren’t messing with bulk orders right now. And the entire Pokemon community on every platform is like “Praise the LORD. My bulk sub will finally move! It’s coming back any day now!”

Like, did PSA stutter?


So your saying there is a chance?! :wink:


that’s what they say. corporations are fueled by greed, wouldn’t be surprised if they have a higher amount of people working, obviously that’s kept hush.


Glad to hear PSA has their priorities straight and are processing my bulk order


Same, mine has been there for months now


Same, I need to get my Hidden Fates cards back soon.

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Corrona certs are the new collecting niche of the hobby. Will definitely go for a premium?


They are not accepting new bulk orders but if time allows, they will process bulk orders that are already in queue. Did you hear differently somewhere?

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If I had, I wouldn’t be free to post about it.

But I think grossly over-encouraging desperate people creates infinitely more harm than good.

I think reading between the lines is an essential skill every adult should have and sensationalism is just going to disappoint these people long term.

I also think PSA is a publicly-traded company with transparent obligations that they’ve been fundamentally unable to meet and that “WeLl AykShualLly” statements about how there is a feasible universe wherein PSA’s meager functioning workforce stops processing their bread and butter orders to process an order where we have paid the least amount we could possibly pay is misguided, silly, unhelpful, unfair, and many more ignorant/selfish adjectives.

So I’m not interested in having a conversation about the legal definition of PSA’s statement. I want them to do exactly what they have to to survive. I want people to foster a position of patience right now and not let their false hope flood a struggling customer service line (I got over 100 messages yesterday from people who do not understand this statement, so I know they’re getting wrecked). I want people to operate on an understanding that non-essential businesses in the United States are very much NOT open for regular business and expecting regular results is damaging.

Things are serious. Outcomes aren’t great. And we have a long trek before they can be again. And I have the vantage point in this industry where I can very clearly see how making this out to be more than it is harms people. Be preparing the community for the worst and let good things come as a surprise.


Also, if I seem heavy handed in responding on this topic, it couldn’t be less personal. I’m seeing really sad shit.

I had a guy yesterday who came to me. He has been out of work for a month. He just missed a mortgage payment and the bank told him they were not offering assistance. He has two children and one has a severe medical condition. He has a learning disability and is desperately struggling to navigate the overcrowded social safety net systems he needs. His cards have been sitting at PSA for months. He saw on Facebook a ton of super big excitement about PSA reopening and clickbait-quality BS about the announcement and he leaves me a voice message in tears hoping his will come back. They’re absolutely not coming back.

That’s the news overreacting causes me to have to deal with. So I’m pretty jaded right now. I have several clients out of work and desperate. We don’t think about the consequences of creating unfounded hope in this world climate because we are rich and it is just an inconvenience for us. But real people, even in our super specific Pokemon community, are never going to financially recover from this pandemic.


The only reason PSA is opening up Economy Service and higher is because there are now some employees at the office. They are not open again, and the same applies to 25-50% of the other companies in the world… Most likely they just have some employees that were bored after being home for more than a month, so they try figured they’ll try to do at least something work related. Until the quarantine is lifted on a global scale, I wouldn’t expect anything anytime soon from PSA (or other companies for that matter).
(I personally am still working on a daily basis though, since I’m a software developer, so all I need is my laptop and internet and my company is already used to people working at home or having meetings through MS Teams or Zoom… Although even we are struggling because all our customers are closed, so we can’t sell any software nor services right now… Some of my colleagues were already fired because of that - not just because of COVID19, but it was the last drop that spilled the bucket after we had a rough time last year… :confused: )

Btw, this is what Ludkins posted yesterday on their website:

Please remain safe and we will update you once we know more.

  • Team LC
    It states: “Collectors Universe is still officially closed.” As I mentioned, there are a select few employees at the office to try and do some work, but since they had already trouble keeping up with orders on a full staff, I don’t think a few people on some departments are going to make much of a difference compared to the still-stand we currently have.

I’d also like to get my cards back from PSA, but we’ll all just have to be patient. :slightly_smiling_face: Just keep those 1.5 meters distance to other people, stay home as much as you can, and hopefully this epidemic will be over before the end of August.


I’m pretty sure the e4 members realize PSA is barely functioning right now. We simply are just excited that something is moving at PSA. Gives us some hope our subs could come back yet in 2020.


If you sent in bulk, not likely. Sorry to be the pessimist…

Like Worlds, Bulk re-scheduled for 2021!


I sent my subs December of 2019, I still have hope they can get them done this year. Sorry if I’m being too hopeful and making people think they will be getting them back in the next 9 months.


Nothing wrong with hoping for the best. As long as you’re not spreading misinformation and holding this against PSA. It’s important to have a positive mindset in times like this, but even more important to be mentally prepared for the worst. I hope you all get your submissions as soon as possible!

would the collectors club count as economy level submission?

Was wondering the same. I have several cards to grade but have been holding off on renewing my subscription. I’ll probably just wait until they’re back up to 100% anyways

2 of my 3 bulk submissions just entered their system, the other one was already in the system.