PSA Delay- Updated

So i sent an order of 92 cards to get graded back in july with the pokemon special. The submission was entered into the system on july 2nd. I am now going on day 56 of what was supposed to be a 45 day turnaround. I know i saw somewhere where it got pushed back to 50, but i what point do i need to call them to make sure it didnt get misplaced?

Contacting them would be a futile effort. Wouldn’t change anything. There’s several people here who have already waited longer than you with no results yet.
We all hope it won’t be too much longer.

Yeah, I know a bunch of people who are over the expected time, including myself. They will finish eventually.

It’s not a suprise at all though. They were backlogged prior to the Pokemon special, so holding the special only compounded the issue.

Ok thanks. That also answers my second question about if anyone else was having the same thing happen. Makes me feel better now knowing they arnt lost or something else happened.

it will happen when you least expect it :blush:

I’m on day 55, I called them, and they told me it’d be at least another week before they finish anything.

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It’s a good thing they modified the document that I signed upon submission and changed my 45 day estimated turnaround time to a 50 day estimated turnaround time. I would have been really annoyed if they were to run late on their initial 45 day estimate.

Currently sitting on day 53…


Maybe, just maybe, someone high up or in charge or whatever at psa, will tell the graders to bump one of those questionable 9’s to a 10 for them being late. Some sort of atonement is due for lateness right?

I’m still waiting on my June submission too which has gone overtime :blush:

By the way does anyone know if the turnaround time includes weekends or is it only working days?

working days only

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I am currently on day 52. I wouldnt worry about it too much as so many of us are in the same boat.

What was your recording date that that’s based on?

10th of july. Im using a business day calculator online for it.

my current submission was received at PSA on July 5th, hopefully it gets done this month

I think the issue is people actually expecting the following things to occur simultaneously:

  1. Heavy delays for a 6 month period.

  2. Ludicrously good special that increases submission rates, a lot.

  3. Increased efficiency at PSA.

Hang along for the ride guys, I honestly can’t see it improving for the next few months.

That being said, massive props to PSA for that amazing special. We’re very lucky! :slight_smile:

Perfectly expressed, mature comment. Let me just add…maxima enim, patientia virtus.

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I’m in the “waiting for PSA” delay boat with you all too since June; as someone mentioned here or on another thread, estimated delivery is just a loose term to cover themselves for delays / high influx of submissions.

It will be worth the wait!

Aaaand literally the day after I post about being delayed my order submission has been completed and shipped!

My received date at PSA was 26th June for those wondering

Post your results in the Great Grading Result Thread

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On day 20 for my 15 day monthly special…! Hoping it finishes soon.