PSA 10 master scroll daisuki promo trophy card

Hi guys

So I am interested in this card as it’s such a nice looking card!! I don’t know a lot about it though. Does anyone know how many copies where given out, I see there is only 11 PSA graded at the moment which is low, is this number likely to get a hell of a lot higher. Also does anyone have any good insights to it’s future potential and growth in the market E.G. would it be a good investment card being quite new with room for decent growth?

It’s a pretty cool card. I always wanted the Daisuki Umbreon card but it has a more common English variant/reprint so never got one. Kinda sad about that.

I saw a couple on yahoo jp for $500 ungraded looking mint

I love that card. I think it’s a great investment too;)


There is something about the glitter in that card along with the master key that just pops!!! :blush:

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I have graded 5-6 of these cards. The card has centering issues. Considering this is a New Back Japanese Promo card that isn’t typically handled, the psa 10 rate should be higher than 50%. The card appears now and then on YJ, but of course has no guarantee of being mint. If one looked decent enough I would buy it myself, as I think the card is underrated.

I had 2 offers at $1500 for my copy on ebay. One was with a mixture of trade value and cash. I would say that is currently a decent price considering all variables mentioned.


Not a good investment IMO. The card has the necessary rarity but the problem is the artwork is not very desirable. The Master’s scroll is rarer than the Umbreon/Eepeon but still it sells for mich less than those two cards

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The umbreon and espeon actually sell?! This is news to me. They are reprinted in English and are significantly less desirable than the gold star counterparts. I’ve seen the same copies on eBay for over a year. Their value has been the same since release, where the scroll and key have movement.

Also I’d have to disagree about artwork. The master scroll is a unique concept and the art is not reprinted in English. I also get a lot of inquires about the scroll and key vs any other new back card from the same era.

Well the master’s key is a different story but I thought it was only about the masters scroll here. Anyways, the masters key is one of the rarest cards ever printed so its in a completely different league. I got offers in the high thousands when mine was the first psa 10 graded

Well the master’s key is a different story but I thought it was only about the masters scroll here. Anyways, the masters key is one of the rarest cards ever printed so its in a completely different league. I got offers in the high thousands when mine was the first psa 10 graded

I get similar interest in both cards. Not sure if it’s because they are both LP promos and have the word “master” in the name.

But yes the key is stupid rare, and also underrated imo.

I love the Master’s Scroll. I bought my PSA 9 copy off Gary earlier this year. It has become my favorite card, photos and videos do not do this card justice. Until you have it in your hand and can see the insane holo ya just can’t understand how awesome this card is. As for population… no way to know. I was very curious about that myself and tried to hunt down as many as I could just so I could get an estimate. Based on what I have found across the internet from rumors and the number of Scrolls I have seen for sale or owned I’d say there is anywhere from 100-200 of these cards out there.

The key is another story. While the scroll is quite accessible the key has between 17-40ish copies depending on who ya ask. I would love to have one, I just value my internal organs :slightly_frowning_face:

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The Master Scroll is somewhere around 34+ copies (I’m not sure). The Master Key is 17 copies. Regardless, these trophies are very underrated and I think they are both good investments. I think one of the reasons they get ignored or people are unaware of them is because the trophy search is still focused on the original Pikachu Trophies. The reality is that those will soon (if we are not there yet) will all be in collections and fully out of the market, same with Trophy Khan and Unikarp. As a result, those who are unsuccessful in their search or cannot afford the asking price will shift their focus onto other treasures hence why I think they are a good investment. :blush:

It is quite a bit more than that. PSA has graded 21 already. I know of 7 ungraded that are either owned by someone or currently on the market. If it was really limited to that many copies it would have a value closer to the Master’s Key.

That’s why I included the “+” next to 34 because I know there are higher estimates. However, value and rarity don’t always go hand in hand. Demand plays a major role too, that’s why we have less rarer trophies/cards selling for higher prices. .