Possible new? error in Pokemon 151 japanese Pokéball reverse

Hi! I was going through some Pokémon 151 cards I bought for my Psyduck collection (don’t judge me lol) and I stumbled upon what seems to be a printing error where the Pokéball pattern gets cut and duplicated instead of maintaining the previous one. I have a dozen Psyduck cards (and as many of other Pokémon, both in Japanese and Korean), and I haven’t seen it on any others. Is this common? Is it reported as a misprint? :confused:


Yeah, it’s everywhere on eBay. They’re not particularly rare or desirable in my eyes.


Have you searched for it with any specific keywords or phrases? It doesn’t seem like an incredible error to me either, but it’s definitely interesting! In fact, I’m trying to find a specific pattern of a Pokéball/Masterball that “captures” the Pokémon from the evolution box, but so far, I haven’t been able to find it. I have several that come close, but it’s quite challenging because most sellers don’t upload photos that show that part of the card >_<

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You can search ‘Pokemon 151 error’ to find them.

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