Super pumped to see yall in it! Can’t wait to see your artwork! I’m sure you both will make it to the final cut.
When I originally started sketching out all the Pokemon, I thought I was going to choose Flygon, Feraligatr and Toxtricity. But I actually ended up going with Absol (shoutout to all the Absol heads in this thread ), Bidoof and Melmetal.
Good luck to everyone who entered!
I had some great Melmetal ideas way too late. I may work one up for the E4 festivities.
This one didn’t get in before the deadline. I liked how it came out bummer I have trouble with time conversions…
Really like your flowers and plants
Do you use procreate?
I do! I have had it for a few years. Still working on functions and techniques. I really enjoy it. It is very intuitive to the way I create.
Yeah, agree with @lyleberr. Really like how the flora turned out!
Sad that Meowth isnt an option. We would have a true winner!