Pokemon Art Academy Competition Winners

The 3 I can remember off the top of my head would be Chile, France, Germany, with the Mew winner being from Germany.


Good to know. Just have to keep a strict eye on the mews on eBay. Hopefully they decide to let a few go at some point.

Mew and delphox are the only 2 I want.

There are Delphoxes… Delphoxi… Delphox cards out there, so you got a chance at that one.

I just contacted Mireil just a few hours ago and confirmed what PokemonTrader typed in the original post on how they weren’t interested in selling.

So next up I think I’ll take a shot at looking for the other elusive Ashley

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These are illustrator cards that were only given to the winners (100 per winner)

Lol I know. I meant are they being sold consistently or is the owner just letting a few go.

@eeveeevolutioner53 you are correct. That is the Kyogre winner!

Oh im not sure i got it when around the time that they just announced the winners.

That one is a beauty i hope someday i get the honor to own the card someday.

Yeah, that one is really nice. The ones I really want are that one, the Kabuki pikachu, Goomy from Mio Muroi, and Pikachu from Ginga. Sadly, those last 2 are the JP winners and that’s one pretty huge language barrier, even more so than the German barrier.

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I hope it’s okay to ask here but does anyone have the contact info of any of the artists who are fine with selling? I understand due to respect even if someone did they likely wouldn’t publicly disperse that information but a DM/middleman situation would be appreciated.

Particularly interested in Scarlett*.


Do they run this competition every year, or was it just the one time?

Great article by the way!!

Just this one time, however there was a sort of amateur set also released which costs a lot less, obviously due to the art being a lot more mediocre

There have also been other variants done like the Arceus one and the Zoroark one. I don’t believe they were a part of this though

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the Arceus/Pichu and Zoroark competitions were Japan exclusives with lots of elemantary school winners cards made. They were in 2009 and 10 respectively and for arceus/pichu, the 13 winners got 1 complete set of 13, 1 card from each winner. For Zoroark/Zorua, I believe 10 winners each received 10 complete sets, which could make them as rare as the art academy, but the distribution method made the cards much more available to buyers, and the art works aren’t as impressive, so they are still available for under $300 for PSA 10 Zoroark and Zorua

That’s because for both of those sets they were given a model to colour. Note all pokemon have the same poses.

Now we aren’t sure exactly but I think your estimate for 2009 is a little low.

I still swing by these forums occasionally in hopes of a sniff of Mew. I see none yet. :slightly_frowning_face:

Meli seems to have got the bulk of her set graded, she’s selling PSA 10s for £950 on facebook.

Thanks for the write-up, this was a set I followed closely. Only managed to contact the Delphox artist back in the day, but didn’t have the money then (and probably still don’t now), but she was lovely to talk to. Would have been a very hard position to be in, not knowing what to do with or how to make the most of those cards. All power to the winners, I hope they each chose a path they are happy with.


I know this is a massive long shot given the age of this thread… but does anyone have contact for the guy that has the Mudkip? :joy::pray:t3::pray:t3:

Don’t suppose you have the Mudkip do you? :pray:t3:

Welcome to the forum. Unfortunately, I don’t know if anyone outside of japan has ever successfully acquired the Mudkip from the winner. In fact I think pretty much all the Japanese winners don’t appreciate requests at this point

Completely understand, thank you!

Don’t suppose you have any info on the winners/owner(s) of the Mudkip do you? And if you know how many Mudkip’s were made/given out?