Newest various english promo releases thread

Another build-a-bear plush with card!

Pretty weird that they went for a XY Flashfire card! That set is so old!


Wth, lol. Here’s a perfect example why you shouldn’t include stamped promos in Master Set collections, haha. You never know when a card will be released five years after you’ve completed the rest of the Master Set. :laughing:



This must be one of the more extreme examples I can think of. Though I got to admit it’s fun to see Master Sets get an update this long after release. Still pretty weird, yeah.

New Dollar General / Tree Exclusive Gardevoir / Blissey Strong Bond Tins are out now, containing new holo versions for Gardevoir (141) & Blissey (153) from Lost Thunder.


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Isn’t the Lunala GX Jumbo also new? It was previously released at the very start of the Sun & Moon era without HP:

Or was there already another product containing the jumbo with HP?

Sword and shiels stamped store promo (europe): Obstagoon!


have recently started a niche collection of sealed promos, including sealed promos with the set stamps. unless there is one i can’t find info on, this Garchomp seems to be the most obscure version, right behind the cosmic eclipse stamped Solgaleo.

i assume its obscurity is rooted in the fact that it was exclusive to Gamemania in the Netherlands/Belgium, but i’d think there’d be a few out there somewhere. if anyone sees this and has any idea where one could find a sealed copy of the Unified Minds stamped Garchomp, please, reach out.

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Here’s a copy on eBay.

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i guess my search results weren’t vague enough to pick that one up haha, quite the title. i had someone from the netherlands reach out, but i appreciate the help!