My Gold Star Journey

Hey y’all, today I’m starting to document the gold stars that I currently have in my collection, the ones that I want to acquire in the future, and the ones that I have come across in the past. My overall goal is to own a copy of every gold star in PSA 10 and eventually complete the collection, but until then, join me as I try to document my adventure.

A bit of context: I am a recent high school graduate (Go c/o 2021!!) who has been trying to grow his collection and has fell in love with gold stars. Along the road, I have come across a good number of these cards but have “flipped” them before because I really needed the money. Now that I have a somewhat of a bankroll going and I have a job, I’m looking to buy minty gold stars and eventually get a whole set of PSA 10 gold stars.

I will post pictures along with the story of how I got the specific cards in the corresponding days. I hope y’all enjoy!


If your goal is to buy a mint raw card and grade it as a 10, I think you will find out quickly that the few mint raw cards out there are more like an 8 or 9. Anyways, best of luck and looking forward to seeing the collection grow.


This will be an exciting journey. It will probably be hard finding PSA 10 worthy raws. Most of those are probably already sent in for grading. But I’m really looking forward to how this’ll turn out.

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To be honest, I’ve had that experience with the few cards that I have graded. (All of them came back 8s and 9s) but just the whole process of grading was really fun for me, and eventually I would want to upgrade them when I have the means to do so. I’ll probably just do that with the gold star dogs lol

Thank you! Really appreciate the support

Gold stars are awesome, I was going to do the same thing but in 9s but thats on the backburner for me till I complete some other goals


That’s awesome! What’s your main goal now?

Im working on getting every eseries holo card in BGS 9 nintendo and wotc + promos

Dang that’s a really cool goal! I think my secondary goal would be to get all the Alternate art V and GXs in both English and Japanese

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A noble collection goal…gold stars are some of the most gorgeous cards ever released. It’s funny because I (and some others that I’ve spoken to) who collected as kids during the EX Series didn’t even realize that they were different from regular holos. I had always just assumed that exs were the top dog. I owned several gold stars (including at least two Torchics), but I just threw them in bins like the rest of my regular holos lol. I’ve really come to appreciate them as an adult, though.

I’ll echo what others have said about finding them in raw PSA 10-quality condition…that’s going to be insanely difficult, if not impossible. It might make sense to shoot for 9s, which would still be challenging but much more achievable. Best of luck either way.

Thank you! Also i unfortunately wasn’t able to enjoy gold stars :/. I grew up in the BW era so the gold secret rares evoke a similar feeling, but at the same time, the artwork on the gold stars are just unrivaled

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Here was my first ever gold star. I got it early in 2020 for $200 and I sold it for $275 that same month to kickstart my collecting journey. It’s a beautiful card which I want to get back in a 10 soon.


My second gold star was a Rayquaza that I picked up for $400. I got it graded through Leonhart and it got a BGS 5.5. I ended up selling for $1100 and that really helped me start buying up more cards and kickstart my collection.



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Appreciate the love

Grading a full PSA 10 Gold Star set yourself will be a crazy endeavor, fingers crossed you will succeed!

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This is certainly a daring goal, are you doing just english or english and japanese? Cause japanese has some very hard rude awakenings…

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For right now just English. There are some cards that I may try and get in Japanese like the Mewtwo and Pikachu which I think are absolute beauties. But other cards like the umbreon and espeon I know will almost be impossible with my current financial situation

Thank you! I appreciate it

This is my next Gold Star that I acquired around November. It was a beautiful card that I picked up for around $650 and sold a little while later. This card has been one I have been trying to get back for such a long time