This thread is more a note for myself going forward so I can reference it in the future and eventually update it for all you lovely people with pictures when these are achieved or in some way have any progress worth showing.
Obtain: Espeon Gold Star (Long term goal for now as it always has and shall be until it’s achieved and ticked off)
Obtain : PSA 10’S of any card I like the artwork of or simply think I must own.
Other : Complete all foreign versions of the original base set in nm or mint condition.
I’m sure there’s more that I will pick up or do along the way as I’m fond of sealed products and unique items.
To be fully transparent as well those who may remember I did start a Venusaur collection and it was going well but that love affair ended and sure we are friends but other than Espeon I’d rather focus on every other card or interest rather than another specific Pokemon at this time, although I am fond of Articuno so cards of Articuno may come in frequently