Lost in Mail/ Stolen PSA 10 Hex Maniac BOXY

I purchased a psa 10 japanese hex maniac for around 3.5k USD back in November 2022, and it was likely either stolen or lost, which was the consensus USPS gave after multiple calls over the next few months. I’ve gotten my money back, but for obvious reasons (the fact that this card has 2x’d since then) , I was not able to purchase another one.

Here is the cert of the card: 61311652

I know it’s a long shot, but if anyone has seen or sees this cert number, please let me know!


Im sure someone will put one up for sale in the future. Just be patient.
waifu prices are crazy :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Not exactly the point of op but yeah :sweat_smile:

As annoying as it is i feel like these huntings for certain stolen cert probably aren’t going anywhere since the thief must be super dumb if he doesn’t crack and resubmit. Perhaps by selling to some lgs that would dodge the potential backfire but it would also cut the profits so badly that it doesn’t sound likely to happen

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