List of all TCG cards that exist for a specific Pokémon

i am new to this forum, so i hope im doing this right! I cant open the link, has it been deleted, or? :slight_smile:

The spreadsheet had my real name on it when I marked it as visible, so I took it down. Check out my collection thread. All the cards are on that.

Thank you so much for putting these lists together! So incredibly helpful for collectors. I really hope there’ll be a Ditto one soon cause I am collecting those! :smiling_face:

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Please make a Ditto one!! It’s two years late but I hope you did end up making one

I’ve put it on my TODO list, in case @exomemphiz doesn’t have any time to make one. Don’t expect mine in the near future though, since I still have nine other lists on my TODO list to make or update first. :sweat_smile: (Sorry to everyone waiting. I’ll see if I have some time this week to at least make some of them.)


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Can I throw in a Politoed request whenever your free? Thanks for all the information you’ve provided!

The TODO list keeps on growing. :sweat_smile: But Politoed has been added, so I’ll get to it eventually. As mentioned in the comment above though, I have ten other lists I’ll have to make/update first, so don’t expect it anytime soon.



Don’t apologise!!! No stress at all. We really appreciate the hard work and time you put in each list. I look forward to the Ditto one! Wish I could do anything to help


If you want you can try to make the list yourself, and I can see if any are missing when you’re done. :wink:
Here are the steps I do for each of these lists I make:

But you can also just wait a while, since I’ll get to it eventually. :slight_smile:



That sounds like a step by step for how someone should create the world’s most comprehensive database for Pokemon cards in one site.

Amazing that we still don’t have it, but I guess every language collectors aren’t common.

Still amazed that there isn’t one for all unique card art though.


Does Caterpie have Spanish Neo Discovery Cards? Cant find this expansion in Spanish.

Didn’t release in Spanish according to Bulbapedia.


No. Neo Genesis was released in Spanish, but the other three Neo sets not.



Wow this is impressive, well done! I have so much to learn :grimacing:

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I was going to make an Article for Gyarados TCG cameos in English and Japanese but then remembered that this Master List of Master Lists existed. @Quuador , let me know if you want me to update the Gyarados section myself (I seriously don’t mind) for English & Japanese releases.

I’ve made my own Excel sheet here in case any Gyarafolks stumble across this post: Gyarados TCG Master List (J/E) by AzulRyu - (Last Update: 02/11/2024) - Google Sheets

To make your own copy, just go to "File → Make a copy

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@Quuador this is amazing! I feel bad asking, but if you ever have the chance, I’d love to see you add Kabuto and Kabutops to the list :heart:


I’m afraid there are still loads of list on my TODO list, and I haven’t made any in over a year by now… I really should get back to it tbh, but I’ve been more busy with life than before unfortunately. Especially after changing jobs about two years ago, and even more after I started living on my own since last November. :pensive: I will put it on my TODO list, especially because I really like Kabuto and Kabutops myself. :slight_smile: But don’t expect it anytime soon if at all, sorry.



Are you looking for english or all languages?
I have kabuto/kabutops in english, and currently completing kabutops for all languages

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Is the 32 cards not featuring snorlax name because of international versions? And this list says French and Italian got call of legends pre release is that just an assumption based on English or is there somewhere with a pic of it in French or Italian?

Yep. It’s basically the available cameos, in all available languages/variations.

Yeah, I sometimes made assumptions with my lists, especially the older ones. If you as Snorlax collector of all languages have never seen French nor Italian Prerelease stamped cards, I believe you and it was wrong when I made the list. :slight_smile: I make those lists in about an hour, so excuse any minor errors they may contain. :wink:
