Japanese Sealed unnumbered promos Price Check and Interest?

Hi there! I just made a couple good investments and was hoping to know the value.

  1. Unown R (Unpeeled) x2

  2. Steelix Holo (Sealed in Book)

  3. Flying Pikachu glossy (Unpeeled)

  4. Bilingual glossy Exeggutor (Sealed in Book)

  5. Volume 9, celebi on front cover, not sure what is in the book… I need to look more carefully.

  6. Dark Fearow GB promo (Sealed)

The most interesting are #1, #3, #4 and #6 since I have never seen these sealed/unpeeled or rarely do.

I also have access to sealed unown J, Smeargle and more of these same cards if need be.

I’m confused, if you have been looking for a long time, and found some rare items as a “good investment”, how do you not know the value of them?

To clarify, I know they are valuable, but I am not sure HOW valuable. For example, I paid $10 for the unown R and I know for a fact that PSA 10 can fetch a $50+ price. I have NEVER seen it unpeeled before though. Also, I forgot to mention I have a sealed Dark Fearow too, which I think can fetch 50$, but I’m not sure if it goes higher.

Basically, I know I did well, but how well is to be determined.

Welcome to the forums, unfortunately we don’t have a magic number that these could be possibly valued at. All of our valuations come from past sales that these items have gone at and for a good amount of them, there just isn’t that many of them. I would suggest studying patterns in the eBay market to find a common trend that are priced at. Just like any other economic good, until there is a set pattern of sales records, its a seller determined price that is adjusted by the premium a buyer would pay for the want of a good. I know there are a good amount of these items on eBay as we speak, Id build your valuation there.

They are all solid investments just due to their sheer age and rarity.

As smelly said if it isn’t on ebay sold listing it’s anybodys guess to the value. But just because they are fairly rare items does not mean they are worth a lot. There might not be a market for them.

I agree with your statement on rarity. By what I meant in terms of solid investment, they are not going to pay off a mortgage but will hold their value, (being low value compared to other items) in the future markets. There is a buyer for almost anything now a days, its just finding that diamond in the rough.


Also want to point out just because its unpeeled or sealed doesn’t mean its a PSA 10. So try not to judge the price off of PSA 10 vs sealed product as they are different markets!

I think unpeeled items depending on rarity can be as valuable as PSA 10 though. You cant even find this unown R unpeeled, so it might go for the 60+ price I expect.

You can’t put them on the same level. Psa 10 is guaranteed gem mint. Something sealed can still be damaged and easily hit an 8 or 9.

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It is better to undervalue than overvalue. Overvaluing just gets you disappointed.