Japanese CD promos values sealed, ungraded, psa 9 and psa 10

The title says it all I think ha! Would it be better to keep one of these sealed or open and grade all? Also what are your guys thoughts on these. Any future value for sealed CDs or better to get them graded? How much would you think is fair market for the sealed/opened cd and the cards graded.I know someone here graded thousandssssss a while back, but what about in the present day?
£100 OR £200 for sealed? I read the other day on here about the mass grading and have been looking into the cards.They are pretty awesome :blush:

Any info and predictions/experienced opinions would be great please



I bought one a month or so ago, it cost me alot :confused: so just curious as to whether I shafted myself ^.^

It depends what CD it is and what cards. As far as I know the cards in the CD with like 11 cards or whatever are exactly like the sets they come from even down to being glossy or not. So it depends on their shape and demand. I personally got lucky and got a set for about $50 US and the Charizard, Blastoise, and Venusaur were all holo bleed error cards and all the cards were in pristine conditions. Individually though this set is fairly common on ebay though and can be completed for about the same price or less, but cards can be damaged in the mail and won’t likely be cool holo bleed error cards.

the japanese cd above with the 10 ish cards.Sealed cost me alot :confused: just wondering on peoples thoughts on this and its future opened or seale.I see they were all re prints aswell haha oops. That is why you research before buying :wink: Ill wait and see what other people say aswell about sealed and grading myself…hmm.Atleast the Chari Venu and Blast have a seperate logo.I love the cards and art work regardless :grin: psa 10s in them would be a great set to own.

"All of the cards included in the CD were previously released through other promotions in Japan. The reprints of Venusaur, Charizard and Blastoise also feature the Pikachu Records logo. The CD also includes an English Pikachu card, designed to introduce Japanese players to the West’s adoption of the TCG. "

Thank you by the way

I don’t know if they were reprints or just the same cards put in the CD, because like I said the cards as far as I know are exactly the same.

The Pikachu Best CD has been insanely common throughout the years and as some might tell you, the cards in 10s were mass graded for TV home shopping sale. CD set has gone up slightly in price, but I would bet a large amount still exists. As for the cards graded, just buy em, they’re are literally 4K copies of PSA 10 of each of the big three (or close to it). PSA 10 just has too many copies floating around.

Grading them will only make them part of a huge group.
Keeping them sealed is best, investment wise. Plus remember, they can always be graded later but they can never be sealed again.


In terms of value, unless the card is seriously rare always go by eBay.

Otherwise we’ll tell you what we see on eBay :wink:

Fair enough :blush: I have 1 sealed I paid $200 for and one that has been opened but everything is still sealed, the plastic envelope just wont stick which I’m in the process of purchasing for around $100-120

Just as a reference point I bought one last year for £40 sealed. I would say they aren’t worth much more than that tbh.

Agreed, bought mine last year as well, for around $50 US, sent them in, and all but 2 graded a 10, they are awesome cards to have, but a very low ceiling on growth

Yea I paid alot for them, made a few errors recently with 2-3 purchases. Not big losses but not the expected return I was thinking.
Mainly the cd promo over £100 and a guys collection I bought, which was several hundred rare and reverse short meaning my expected return was shot to pieces. Instead of doubling, Ill struggle to break even. Very annoying but meh…

If anyone is selling all 11 cards psa 10 for around 120 then id happily purchase please :stuck_out_tongue:

Only until further research did I realize how many there were out there after checking pop.The 3 main cards will always be in demand but as there are so many they cant really go above a certain threshold imo

From my experience, its generally the big 3 that go for about $40 a piece looking at that price point of around $120. Most sellers have dropped the extras from the set and most do not hold onto the whole collection past the big three. IMO opinion to capture the whole set would be closer to $300 for the set in PSA 10.

“Just as a reference point I bought one last year for £40 sealed. I would say they aren’t worth much more than that tbh.”

I know ha, just saying :wink: based on the above, I can take a set off anyones hands to add to my copious amounts of 8 psa graded cards ^.^ heh

That’s very generous of you considering your offer barely covers the grading fees😏


I know, I’m too generous! XD I was only joking by the way :heart_eyes: I dont even have 120 right now ^.^.

I took a particular forum members advise


but what i mean is… SPend what you have and everything you can :nerd_face: The key to a successful invester:

The more you spend, the more for long term investment, and the more fun for the coolection. screw the bank account.

The priorties are as follows:

Buy pokemon cards
Buy pokemon cards
buy more pokemon cards
get some money off your family and friends when you over spend and are short for the rent so you can buy more pokemon cards and pay rent.
buy more pokemon cards.

pay rent.
buy more pokemon cards.


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loled pretty hard Gary

don’t worry about it geg, live and learn. one of the things to probably learn is to not take pokesynd so seriously :relieved:


Itd cost me £90 for grading all 11 I think, plus the 90 for the cd= £180

He sold me a really nice Caterpie card it was a full art shiny…amazing! He said I need to spend everything to make money…so i bought it. Just need to wait

if by she you mean synd, pokesynd is a he :wink: