Investing in sealed product: Hidden Fates vs Evolutions

Hey everyone!

I just joined these forums because I have a passion for the hobby and am interested in starting to collect somewhat seriously in Pokémon, especially as it relates to sealed product. I’m not terribly experienced in this kind of thing so I’m hoping others can help me, but it seems that, long term, sealed Pokémon product seems to be a pretty good investment.

I wanted your opinions on which of theses sets might be best to put some money into. I know Evolutions has had little to no growth in terms of sealed box price, but I wonder if it has long term potential (10 years let’s say). The price still feels very affordable

On the other hand hidden fates has tons of trophy cards and should be desirable for a while, it just seems a bit more difficult to collect given how it is distributed.

Thanks for any input or discussion, and hopefully you can help this noob out

Evolutions is a meme, always will be.

Hidden Fates will be the Legendary Collection, Skyridge, TRR of its time.

just a pure


So pure I made another special one just for this thread:


To be clear, serious collecting and investing are not the same thing.
All investing has risk and no one can know for certain, you really just need more time in the hobby. No one can just tell you what to do, you need the time and experience first. My suggestion is to just focus on enjoying the hobby and learning as much as you can. As time goes on you will find you are more confident in making “investing” choices.


Passionate about the hobby?

b u y w h a t y o u l i k e

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Love this card I have one in my collection! :blush:


If you’re deadset on ‘investing’ in Pokemon sealed product, I’d recommend purchasing vintage product instead (anything WotC through EX-series). I would NOT invest in anything that’s currently in print and/or at risk for being reprinted. Not to mention that there are thousands of people hoarding the two sets you mentioned. So the future price growth is going to be stifled by that. People also hold WotC/EX-series sealed product, but in much, much lower quantities. So they will always be scarce, whereas the market for Hidden Fates/Evolutions sealed product could very well become saturated in the future if not enough future people care about those sets.

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Hey, I’m going to link you to some threads we’ve had recently that should be of interest to you. Link1 Link2 Link3 Link4 Link5 Link6

I’d also add, being a serious collector doesn’t mean you’re also an investor and vice versa. Serious collectors don’t necessarily care about the values of their cards going to zero, serious investors do. A lot of people will meme you on that (shining ttar) but that’s because the forum gets a fair amount of these questions and there are answers if you dig through the previous threads.

As for your question, Evolutions and Hidden Fates are very different sets in terms of collectability as they’re very different sets. Evolutions has the Base set reprint nostalgia effect going for it, Hidden Fates has shinies galore. Depending on your price point you likely won’t lose money on either but you’re less likely to make money of Evolutions in the short-medium term versus Hidden Fates. Invest in both if you can, diversifying is usually a good call, Hidden Fates is what I’d buy if I wanted a highly-speculative investment as it has a lot going for it + high nostalgic value in 10+ years. Edit: I forgot, heavy recommendation to invest in vintage as it’s a more established thing but if you’re into the modern stuff then yeah you do you. Just less of a track record overall.

I’ll also add Hidden Fates doesn’t have trophy cards. Trophy cards are a very specific thing in this hobby and you can read more in this link. Hidden Fates has a lot of chase cards if that’s what you’re looking for. I hope this helps.


What’s your favorite Pokemon? Maybe go for that.

As an investment, I believe Neopets TCG are severely undervalued for a WOTC product, and as of June 11, PSA is now grading Neopets cards.


I need to look up Neopets TCG. I’m not interested in buying, but I’m curious to see what the cards look like.

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Everyone has been thinking about stocking up on sealed HF and Evo product, so it might take longer for them to appreciate. Idk. I can’t predict the future.

Think about Pokémon as an investment on enjoyment, not money. If you want to invest, better to do stocks or something.

You only get one chance to make a first impression OP.


glorius. absolutely beautiful.


Invest in a legendary time machine :joy::joy::joy:


I feel like we scare so many people away like this, but the responses are just a gift that makes me giggle and tickles my fancy.


If the thread said “what’s your favorite of the two sets. Or a poll etc” it would be different posts. The word Investment and Pokemon just come up in the same sentence way too often. It’s so cringe worthy! Especially modern investment ones. The questions that pop into my head when people mention invest in Pokemon are. Do you even like Pokemon? Did you just come to try to flip some cards? Will you always ask for validation before buying something? If it’s any other topic especially collection based I’ll always do a post or two. Sorry for rant lol


Agreed. No disrespect intended, but it’s borderline offensive to ask for free “investment” advice on a collectors forum. Do the work/research yourself and decide, or PAY Smpratte for patreon. None of us has a crystal ball.


Great response:)