If you could get any one card signed which one would it be?

If you could get any one card signed which one would it be? Who is the illustrator? What is the importance of that card to you?

For me I would like to get the Japanese Jungle Eevee Signed by Kagemaru Himeno because it was the First Eevee card released.


I almost got one of my spare 1997 pikas signed by Arita. :open_mouth:


Mewtwo Promo #12 by Christopher Rush. Fantastic artist and had a genuine passion for his art. I was fortunate to have met him a few times at conventions and I did get a few cards signed from him, but Mewtwo was not among them. Although an auto is no longer possible since his passing in 2016, I did see a copy sell for around $110 some years ago, and I’m sure there’s planty more around for me to find eventually :blush:


That’s almost impossible for me to answer! There are so many. I’d have to say the Aquapolis Suicune by Atsuko Nishida. Suicune is my favorite character. I’ve seen one example of her autograph on a card, but she’s never done a signing that I’ve heard of before.

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Nice Topic!

‘Poke Dude’ signed by Hironobu Yoshida - the actual portrayed Poke Dude himself - would be pretty cool.


Ooyama on each of the cards he’s done. He is the Phil Foglio of Pokemon. Mega iconic and fun art that you know is his immediately

I would love to get a gold star Charizard signed by Masakazu Fukuda who is the artist behind all of the gold star cards. Luckly, I was able to get a signed GS Regice by him though.

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I would pick this one to be signed

Probably the most beautiful Nishida Pikachu card


A Gold Star Charizard would be pretty epic.

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@pkmnflyingmaster, very close indeed!

If I had to choose one it would be Natta Wake Pikachu signed by Himeno.

I hope to get the whole set signed someday.

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That’s as tempting as it is unrealistic for me :open_mouth:. I would have to go with a 1st Ed. Misty’s Gyarados signed by Ken Sugimori. Definitely a top 3 artwork for me with just as must classic nostalgia.

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1st Edition Base Set Blastoise signed by Ken Sugimori.

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Such a nice pika


Thats easy !
Fan Club Eevee signed by Toshinao Aoki :sunglasses:

I kinda made a mock up of what it could look like

[SPOILER: Click to show](javascript:void(0):wink:Spoiler


Any one of Jynx cards singed by Kim Kardashian, cuz her fake lips would match Jynx lips, just kidding lol


I would love to have #19 Ex Dragon Salamence and Ex Emerald Rayquaza signed by Kouki Saitou. Both of those cards are in my all time favorite cards and the Ex Dragon card is the one that made me love Salamence back in the day.

And that moment of RIP when RayquazaTCG owns both of those cards signed :grin:

I would also love to have something signed by Masakazu Fukuda as I love his art style a lot.

And of course THE Alolan Vulpix signed by You Iribi.

Though it’s more iconic when it’s signed by me isn’t it


Show off the Regice!

I would sign a PSA case for a card I love. I don’t like the idea of ruining a card with ink even if ir is a signature. I do love the idea of having a special graded card get signed on its psa case though.

Maybe an original pikachu from base set or charizard from base.

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By Uri Geller :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: