If Kagemaru Himeno could sign a card for you, which would it be?

In light of Kagemaru Himeno being named as the featured artist for the 2023 Charlotte Regional Championship, I’d be curious to hear some opinions! If you could get any card(s) autographed by her, which would it be?

For my purposes, I’m choosing from only artworks she has done, but if you’d prefer another card for some reason I’d like to hear why! Here is a link to peruse showing a compiled list of artworks she has illustrated: Himeno Cards (this link may not be inclusive of all of her work).

Hard to go wrong with a TON of great artwork and contributions to Pokemon. Like the last signing thread I made, I’ll try to limit myself to 3 cards, but I’ll also throw in an honorable mention :star_struck: Here are my picks:

1) (Your Name) Birthday Pikachu (Black Star Promo): This card is just a classic, and hits all the markers: great Pokemon species, lots of colors, and overall unique and fun card. I remember when I first got back into collecting this was one of the first purchases I made solely because the card has such a great allure. As a bonus, if the card is going to get signed and is required to be personalized to your name anyways, why not just put it in the designated spot? :wink:

Birthday Pika

2) Pidgeot (Jungle): I would be remiss to not include a card from her wonderful and iconic Jungle artwork! I love the colors in nearly all of the Jungle cards she did, but if I had to pick one from this set I’d choose Pidgeot, partially because it’s one of my favorites, I like the tilt of the hat to the beginnings of Pokemon (Ash’s Pidgeotto, anyone?), but I also got a Pidgeot signed by Harada, so continuing the streak would be a win.


3) Dragonite (Expedition): Another card that hits a lot of high notes: a great species, vibrant card art, and an E-reader all in one. Along with the Dragonite from Fossil, this is must for all you dragon collectors!


Honorable mention:
4) Minun and Plusle (Ex Hidden Legends): Generally speaking my favorite cards and Pokemon are the vintage cards with Gen 1 and Gen 2 species, but I’m willing to make an exception for this pairing. These two cards together would seriously be an awesome duo to have in your collection!

Overall, this is a tough one to really boil down to only a few cards, and there are many I would include if I could get a bunch of cards signed (Natta Wake Birthday Pikachu & Psyduck, Challenge! Trainer, Generations Pikachu FA, Jungle Flareon/Jolteon, just to name a few :upside_down_face:). The great news is the difficulty in selecting a few cards means she has illustrated a ton of awesome stuff! So let’s hear it: which card(s) would you pick!?


literally the only Umbreon card she drew :melting_face:



My unlimited L1 Cyndaquil


Any card from jungle and fossil! I was going through her art and honestly all of her early work!



Just as many Japanese Iris’s I can get signed hopefully. :crossed_fingers:t2:

The white/grey cloudy card stock just begs for some sharpie if you ask me. Plus, rainbow dragonite!


This was one of the main cards I would have switched out for any of the others I posted. Such an iconic card, and the rainbow holo combined with Dragonite is just too good.

If ???!!!


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These are the main three I will try to get signed! As you mentioned, the jungle eeveelutions and the fossil dragonite are also stellar picks! Himeno has so many wonderful cards, particularly from jungle and fossil!


This is definitely his world, we’re all just living in it. You go Mr. manifestation man :saluting_face:

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Top Choices

Honorable Mentions


Top Choices:

Other Candidates:


#1 Swinub

#2 Light Vaporeon is a close second.

#3 Psyduck Promo

Bonus: I’d love to have the Swinub’s Nose Tales book and have her sign that, but any Tales book by her would be great too.


Ideally one of these two

Literally any golden era card from Jungle, Fossil, Vending, Rocket etc. would be insane, though. You even could easily extend this to the whole ex era. Not one bad card in there.

Even as a small child I was blown away by her art. She was my very first love in the Pokemon TCG and will always be my queen.





This is the card I immediately knew I wanted signed when she was announced. Tons of nostalgia wrapped around this card for me. Will most likely get a Japanese one signed.



Other than these, I would love to get some of her postcards autographed.
